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Summary: Dan and Phil's honeymoon

Warnings: Fluffy basically

Words: 1015

Pov: Phil's


I woke up late, in Malta next to my beautiful husband

It's weird to call Dan my husband now but I wouldn't change it yesterday was one of the best days of my life I finally got married to the best human on earth and we are finally on our honeymoon here in Malta which is this small island and are famous for there party's and sex

In which I only like one of those things ;) In which one went down last night ;)

"Dannnnnnnnnnnn" I said rolling on top of him

"Mhmm morning Phil" he said tiredly

"Dannnnnnn let's go explore" I said excitedly

"Okay Philly" he said sitting up and kissed him

We got changed pretty quickly and headed down for breakfast

"What are you gonna get?" I asked looking around at all the food

"Pancakes!!" Dan said making me laugh

"Same" we stood up and walked over to the pancakes hand in hand

I got a pretty massive plate as did Dan as our rings brushed against each other and I smiled widely

"Why are you smiling so much Phil?" Dan asked as he saw me smiling lots

"Because your mine Dan" I said kissing his cheek

"I'm always yours Phil" he said returning the kiss

We ate our pancakes slowly laughing about our wedding which I loved and I can remember it so clearly as I stood at the altar and saw Dan walk down the aisle looking perfect as usual as we kept eye contact, we only had eyes for each other

Then as we said our vows I was almost crying as was Dan with happiness as then we kissed in front of everyone and they all cheered and it was the best day I could ever wish for

We started to walk about looking at the shops while I was still in a daydream about our wedding

"Phil? Phil!" Dan said clicking in front if my face

"What? Yeah?" I said confused as Dan laughed

"In deep thought there?"

"Yeah just thinking bout are wedding" I said truthfully

"That was amazing" Dan said as we walked into a shop

"Yeah I know" I said happily

"Phil! I've gotta idea!" Dan said jumping up and down

"What?" I said laughing

"I've got to buy you one thing and you've got to buy me one it's like a surprise thing aparently couples do it"

"Yeah okay" I said immediately getting a couple of ideas

"Okay meet at the front in 10 minutes?"

"Sure!" I said as I walked off looking at everything and I saw a cute little figure of two guys in a swimming pool kissing and I talked to an assistant about it

"Yeah mate we got loads of these all designed different ways follow me" he said leading me to another room filled wit lots of different figures and lead me two the one with the two guys

There was so many and I looked at them they were all unique an made all the guys look different some with tanned skin some with blond hair or with black hair

I looked and picked on out with a guy with dark brown hair and slightly tanned and the other guy who was holding the other one in the water was pale with black hair

Me and Dan basically

I picked it out and happily paid for it and waited outside of the shop for Dan who came out a couple minutes after

"Okay swap" he said as he opened mine

"Aw Phil this is adorable and they look like us!" Dan said eyes shining happily

"Thanks babe" he said kissing me as I opened his gift and laughed

It was a bell which said ring for sex on it

"I'll be using this a lot" I said laughing but I meant it ;)

"These gifts are literally our personalities your is cute and adorable like you and mine is weird"

"Yours is funny, awesome and slightly weird like you" I said

"I'm only slightly weird!? yeah like that's true" Dan said laughing

"But your my weirdo" I said putting my arm around him as we walked about grabbing some lunch and eating it quickly and walking down to the sea chilling there and walking back to the hotel where it was getting late

"Dinner?" I asked

"Dinner." Dan replied and we walked down to the restaurant

"What can I get you gentleman?" The waiter asked

"Um two paprika chicken please" Dan said

The waiter left

"Phil do ya wanna go swimming after dinner?" Dan asked

"But the pool is closed now" I said


"Were not allowed in" I stated

"C'mon Philly please" he said kissing me lightly

"I might need a little more persuading" I said smirking as Dan laughed kissing me again for longer and rougher as I kissed back happily as I loved the feeling our our lips together

The food came quickly and we ate it quickly as we rushed out towards the pool area throwing off our clothes but keeping on our boxers as Dan jumped in as did I as we swam under a little waterfall

"This reminds me of high school musical 2" Dan said

"But your hotter than Troy" I said truthfully

Dan blushed and kissed me as we swam into the middle of the pool as Dan jumped up and wrapped his legs around my waist and was above me and part of the water looking down at me as he leaned forwards kissing me and I kissed back as it got more passionate as I heard a photo being took of us but I didn't care all I cared about was Dan

Isn't his name beautiful?

We pulled apart as I pulled my body closer to Dan's

"I really love you Dan" I said truthfully as I did

"I really love you too Philly" Dan said as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders kissing me again

Some cute fluff for ya guys <3

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