Valentine's Day

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Summary: High school Dan and Phil Valentine's one shot

Warnings: XxX

Words: 1788

Pov: Dan's


I sat down on the bench kind of below Phil in the fitness gym as I forgot my pe kit and I was sat on the lower part watching him

He was getting quite sweaty and I was watching him

"Hey D-Dan stop staring at me" Phil panted

"What else am I supposed to do"

"I-I dunno" he panted as the machine got put on a higher level

He looked really hot right now in both ways

"Okay class stop and go and shower before lunch!" The teacher called

Phil stopped and leaned against me catching his breath

"I need a shower" he said

"Philllll you take ages! I want my lunch I'm hungry" I moaned

"I'll be quick please wait with me" he said

"Fine" I said as we went in the shower room and I sat on the bench as Phil got into the shower and I had his shower things next to me


"Phil shut up!" I said

"Dannn can you pass me my shampoo"  Phil said as I stuck my hand into the shower handing him the shampoo as he was taking ages and I was extremely hungry

"Phil hurry up I'm hungry" I moaned

"I am!"

"Agh! Dan! Agh help!"

"What's up!? Are you okay!?" I said worrying

"Soap is in my eye" he almost screamed as he covered the bottom half on him and tried to grab the towel

"Stay still" I said calmly as I wiped the bubbles out his eye

"Thank you" he said and he finished a couple minutes later and got dressed

"I feel sleepy" Phil said lying on me

"C'mon I wanna buy my lunch" I said as the bell rang

"Phil! We missed lunch!" I shouted at him

"Sorry" he said looking guilty

"Phil! I'm so hungry!" I said annoyed

"I have no money to buy things! Everything is on my school money account!" I said

"Look we'll buy something on the way home"

"You better" I said sulking

"Don't be mad, I hate it when your mad" he said leaning on me

"I'm not mad" I said pushing him away

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