Happy Christmas Dan

633 14 18

Summary - Dan and Phil get to spend Christmas day with each other

Warnings - Nø

Words - 1105

Pov - Phil's


Finally we could spend Christmas together

Dan and I never spent Christmas Day together because we are always with our family's

Dan's family had flown abroad for Christmas and Dan was going to go but he never did and I was ill and he didn't want to leave me even though I assured him I would be fine

Dan also always wanted to spend Christmas Day with me we talked about it every year and this year it's finally true

Dan was at home and I was at my parents house and was going home tomorrow on Christmas Eve

I decided to Skype Dan as I did everyday I was missing him now as it ha been over a week since I arrived here and I wished Dan was here too

Dan almost instantly picked up when I skyped him 

"Hey Dan!" I said happily

"Hey Phil" he said smiling at me

"How are you?" He asked

"I'm good, looking forwards to tomorrow, I miss you" I said blushing a little

"I miss you too Phil, it's weird without seeing you or hearing you in your room or singing in the shower"

I laughed

"Is that why some wearing my hoodie then?"

Dan blushed

"Um yeah"

"Aw your adorable Dan" I said blushing a little

"Phil dinner!" I heard my mom call and I sighed unhappily as did Dan

"See you tomorrow Danny" I said waving

"Bye Philly" Dan said as I ended the call

I walked downstairs as my mom made pizza

"How's Dan sweetheart?" She asked

"Yeah he's good, he misses me though and I miss him too" I said sadly as I really wanted to be at home with Dan and give him a massive hug

"Aww" she said and I blushed

She knew I liked Dan and shipped us so much she even ran a YouTube Chanel called Danisnotonfirevyou1

I didn't say anything after that and ate my pizza in silence

"I think Dan likes you" Martyn says as he walks into the room

"No way" I said laughing

"I like him he doesn't like me"

"Wait you like Dan? Wait your gay? Wait what?" Martyn says confused

Oh yeah I never told him he wasn't here last year

"Um yeah"

"Wait your like Dan or your gay?"

"Um both" I said

Martyn hugged me

I smiled into him

"I honestly think he likes you though"

"Nah" I said laughing

"If anything happens stared you two you gotta tell me okay?"

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