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Summary - Pastel! Dan Punk! Phil, Phil is a tattoo artist and Dan is a portrait artist

Warnings - xXx

Words - 938

Pov - Dan's


I grabbed my suitcase and dragged it up the stairs into my new apartment above a tattoo studio

It didn't take long to unpack and I set up my art things and walked downstairs into the studio to meet the owner of the studio

I stopped as I saw him as he flicked his hair out of his face

He was insanely attractive with jet black hair in a fringe similar to mine on his right and many beautiful tattoos, he was wearing a tight black fall out boy t-shirt and some black ripped jeans and shoes with zips on

I couldn't help wonder what it would be like to paint him

"Oh hey you're Dan right?" he said coming over

"Um yeah um hi Phil wow" I said awkwardly blushing as he laughed

"You settling in well?" He asked

"Yeah great thanks" I said smiling

"So how old are you?"

"21 you?"

"23" he said smiling

"D'like art?" He asked

"I love it" I said grinning

"I like all sorts of things sometimes I have to work as model"

"Can I see your work?" He asked politely

"Only if I can see yours" I said smiling

"Sure follow me Daniel" he said winking

I followed him as he lead me to a art type room

"These are my most famous tattoos" he said as I looked closely and a small space type tattoo caught my eye

"I really like this one" I said pointing at the space tattoo which was tattooed on the shoulder of the persons body which looked simple but beautiful

"I can do it for you if you want"

"What now!?"

"Sure for free as well"

"Um I dunno" I said as I was kind of terrified if needles and I hadn't thought this through but he was attractive the tattoo was attractive

Oh yolo it

"It doesn't hurt to bad"

"Yeah okay" I said smiling

"Lie down here"

I obeyed

"Move your t-shirt down a bit or you can take it off whatever you want"

I felt a little rebellious and slipped the t-shirt over my head as I'm pretty sure he blushed slightly but I wasn't sure

Phil got his equipment out and made sure my shoulder was completely clean

"Is it going to hurt" I said slightly scared

"A bit" Phil said truthfully

"Hold my hand" he said as I grabbed it tightly squeezing my eyes shut

"I'm starting now" he said as I felt the needle on my skin

I squeezed his hand tightly but it didn't hurt to badly

"Okay I'm done" he said happily handing me a mirror not too long after

I looked nervously in the mirror as I smiled as it looked perfect

"I love it, it's amazing! Thank you so so much" I said sitting up and hugging him

"No problem"

I admired it more before slipping my t-shirt back on

"Are you sure I don't have to pay you anything"

"100% it's a gift" Phil said

"Thanks honestly just tell me if there is anything I can do to repay you"

"Yeah okay" he said smiling

"Well I'm going to finish unpacking see ya later I guess"

"If you need anything just come to me"

"Okay" I said walking up the stairs

I unpacked everything and started watching a movie happily as I hear Phil yell through the wall

"I give up! I can't do flipping portraits! I hate art!"

I stood up as I heard him throw something on the floor

I grabbed my light pink flower crown placing it delicately on my now curly hair

I decided to go check on him as I knocked in his door

"Phil? It's Dan" I said as the door opened

"Oh hey Dan, come in" he said as I walked in

"What's wrong?"

"It's easier to show you" he said sighing walking into the nearest room and picked up a broken canvas with a drawing on which was half painted in water colours

"I can't do it, especially from this crap picture with this crap model"

"I could be your model" I said jokingly


"Sure" I said suddenly serious

"I have the clothes and that" Phil said handing me a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt with splats of light pink and a black leather jacket

I went behind the screen and got changed quickly as I really liked the clothes

I walked out smiling as Phil's jaw dropped as I blushed

"You look wow, like you look really good and wow"

"Thank you" I said blushing

I sat on the stool recreating the pose looking directly at Phil who blushed and started drawing

While Phil was drawing I properly looked at him seeing how perfectly blue his eyes were and how perfect he was

"Okay I'm done Dan" Phil said as I ran over

"Wow! You made me really pretty"

"It's just how I see you" he said putting his arm around me blushing

"Your prettier" I said looking down blushing as it went silent

"I know you don't know me that well, but who can help love at first sight? Do you want to go on a date with me" Phil asked

"I'd love too"

More than anything

This is kind terrible but oh well XD
Also im so cold rn
And I'm inside..
With a blanket...
I feel like I'm dying but I have wattpad, Dan and Phil and anime so I'll survive :)

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