Food Blogger

417 10 6

Summary - Phil is a food blogger who comes to a restaurant in which Dan is the waiter

Warnings - None

Words - 1666

Pov - Dan's


"David, these clothes are too tight" I whined at my boss

"Shut up Daniel! Philip the food blogger is going to be here soon!"

"These are too tight! He's going to judge me!" I whined

"It just makes your ass look better Dan, now go into the dining room and give this to table 22"

I sighed carrying the food out with a fake smile plastered on my face as I saw a guy walk in who was pretty tall like me and had similar hair which looked amazing on him

I quickly ran back to the kitchen excited

"David! A cute guy is here!" I said happily even though I knew he wouldn't care

He poked his head around the corner curious

"Dan! It's the blogger! Get out there right now!" He ordered as I left grabbing our best menu

"H-hi I'm Dan and I'm going to be your waiter today" I said nervously as he looked up at me with his big blue eyes

"Hey Dan I'm Philip but you can call me Phil, can I ask you a couple questions?" He said in a smooth sexy voice

"Sure" I said setting down the menus

"What's your best seller?"

"The paprika chicken" I said smiling

"Okay I'll order that and the chefs choice please"

"Of course would you like a drink Phil?"

"Yeah I'll have some lemonade please"

"No problem" I said smiling as I walked  back into the kitchen

"Omg he's so pretty" I said squealing like a little girl

"Dan! Get a grip, he's not going to like you" David said laughing

"I can dream okay" I said as got given his drink and went back into the dining room

"Here you go Philly"

"Um I mean Phil" I said blushing and I felt myself go really red

"It's fine call me Philly whatever" he said winking

"Okay" I said blushing madly feeling myself start to sweat

I walked off into the kitchen

"David! He's letting my call him Philly!" I said excitedly

"Wow, just don't fuck in the bathroom okay?"

"Like that would happen" I said laughing

"You can go give your Philly his food now" David said smirking

"He's not mine" I said laughing

"Yet" David said as I walked out smiling

Phil was sitting there writing down some notes biting his lip

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