The wink

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Summary - High school au were Dan and Phil are new at school and Phil keeps catching Dan winking at him even though he barely knows him

Warnings - XXX

Words - 951

Pov - Phil's


I ran into my new school late and used my map and made it to my class

"Sorry I'm late miss" I said

"That's okay, what's your name?"

"It's Phil Lester" I said pulling my bag onto my shoulder

"Ah yes Phil, please sit over by Dan" she said pointing to a guy who was staring at me intensely

I walked over as he winked at me and I raised my eyebrow as I sat down and he moved closer

I quickly glanced at him and he was quite pretty in his unique way as he wore mostly black and had a dark brown fringe

The bell rang signalling first period as I went to maths following Dan as he seemed to know his way

He winked at me as I went past as I felt my cheeks heat up as he sat next to me

This carried on all week he never said anything to me just winked at me every time he saw me which made me go bright red

We sat in our class and I turned to him

"So are you ever going to talk to me or just wink at me 24/7?" I said

"Well I was deciding when the best time was to talk to you" he said

"Well now I guess" I said

"I'm Phil" I said holding out my hand

"Dan" he said moving forward kissing me on the cheek

"See ya later" he whispered sending shivers down my spine

This guy would be the death of me

As the week progressed he stopped winking at me and stopped being flirty and seemed anxious

"Dan you okay?" I asked

"Um yeah kinda I want to talk to you" he said fiddling with his blazer

"Okay" I said glancing down at my phone as it was almost the end of the day and time for the weekend

"It's just that um I was wondering if um" Dan started trailing off

"Yeah?" I said hopeful

"Um never mind" he said as the bell rang

I sighed as I grabbed my bag and started to walk home

My weekend was terrible I never heard from Dan and he always messaged me and I felt lonely without him and my little brother Max had gone missing

I walked into school feeling near tears my brother has gown missing once before and he was found badly injured

I sat down in the class room looking down as Dan set next to me

"Phil are you okay?" Dan asked concered

I shook my head as I felt tears roll down my face as I started crying

The teacher came over and asked me what's wrong but I just shook my head unable to speak

"Dan can you take Phil to the library please and I'll come up in a minute"

"Yes miss" Dan said as I stood up and Dan put his arm around me as we walked out the classroom and across the hall to the library and I collapsed on a bean bag in tears as Dan sat next to me

He put his arm around me as I lay on him and he ran his fingers through my hair which oddly calmed me down

"What's wrong Philly?" He said quietly

"My brother is missing" I said quietly

Dan held me tighter as I moved my arms around him

"We're really close" I mumbled

"I'm sure he's going to be fine" Dan said

"What if he's not?" I mumbled

"Shh don't think like that"

My phone suddenly started ringing as I moaned lightly having to get off Dan

"Hello?" I said

"Phil! He's okay! He's fine! They found him 5 miles away! He had wondered there trying to find his way back home yesterday!"

"OMG! Really!" I said excitedly

"Yes! You'll see him later now get back to school Philip" my mum said laughing slightly

"Okay bye" I said

"He's okay!" I said as I flung my arms around Dan knocking him back as he laughed putting his arms around me

I giggled then sat up looking directly at Dan smiling as he leaned toward me and I found myself leaning towards him

I kissed him and there was an instant connection he pulled me closer as my arms wrapped around him as I felt on cloud nine

"Boys! I did not realise this was a make out session!" We pulled apart seeing our teacher looking over us

"It wasn't! My brother-" I started

"Phil I know your mum phoned the school about it" she said calmly

"Now I suggest you both finish your making out session and go to lessons"

"Okay" Dan and I said as I tuned back around kissing him softly

"Honestly you too, your worst than the girls" she said shaking her head as we just laughed

I stood up and helped Dan up

"Phil what I was trying to sat on Friday is was that do you like want to be my boyfriend and that because I really really like you and think your beaut-" I cut him off kissing him again as I heard the teacher muster something like 'wow again? Otp'

"So is that a yes?" Dan said smiling

"Of course" I replied as we walked out the library

"See you later then babe" Dan said winking at me

Hello internet!
I've started a new story called Suicidal boy -Phan- and it would be awesome if you checked it out, it's got angst, fluff and (maybe) smut

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