
351 7 3

Summary - Dan is stressed and wants to get away from Phil

Warnings - N/A

Words - 1131

Pov - Dan's


Last night was one of the worst nights ever.

Me and Phil had a fight.

A really bad one.

I don't even know if we're dating anymore.

Phil was asleep in his own room instead of mine and it's been ages since we've slept separately

I woke up early and grabbed my dark backpack and shoved in some money and clothes and grabbed my phone and left the house quietly while Phil was still asleep

I wanted to just get far away from him I needed to go somewhere he wouldn't find me


Perfect I'd go in the euro tunnel

I got a taxi to the station and brought a ticket and got onto the train happily as my phone started ringing

Beautiful <3 is calling you


I didn't want to talk to Phil at all but he left a voicemail

I couldn't be bothered to listen to it and turned off my phone falling asleep to the steady sound of the train

I woke up much later and felt scared and alone as I turned on my phone seeing many missed calls and texts from Phil as I accidently clicked on a voice mail

"Dan! Where are you? Come back home! I'm sorry for what I said! I miss you! I love you Dan! You mean the whole world to me honestly"

I sighed as the train stopped and we got into France and I realised I had no euros

I got the train and wondered about the city able to get some euros as I felt tired as I was looking for some hotels but hadn't seen any

I went inside a shopping mall and asked the first person I met


"Hi" they said in a thick French accent

"Do you know where the nearest hotel is?"

"Yes go to the right then walk down the road and turn left" they said struggling a bit with the words

"Merci av revior" I said as they smiled waving as I walked to to the right as I so came across lots of hotels and went into the first one

"Room for 2 nights please" I said as they woman handed me some keys

"49€ please"

I handed her the money carelessly

"Room 2009" she said pointing to the right

I went up the stair and reached my room and collapsed onto the bed and turning on my phone ignoring Phil and going onto twitter and saw Phil had tweeted lots

AmazingPhil - </3

AmazingPhil - :'(

AmazingPhil - Life without you isn't worth living

AmazingPhil - Where are you now?

I quickly tweeted

Danisnotonfire - I'm so HAPPY RIGHT NOW :D

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