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Summary: Dan and Phil are sick of hiding there true selves

Warnings:Short, sweet and fluffy

Words: 467

Pov: Phil's Pov changes to Dan's


I kissed Dan lightly as he put my coat around my shoulders

"Let's go Babe" he said

I sighed unhappily, scowling not just because I was actually going outside because I couldn't be open with Dan and this had been happening for almost 2 years now

"Aw c'mon Phil"

"It's not fair! I can't hug you, kiss you, or anything without getting stupid homophobic remarks"

Dan kissed me lovingly as we left and then we parted acting like friends not boyfriends that were heads over heels in love with each other

We got on the tube (subway) and Dan was just messing with his sleeve a lot and I was squished next to him

"What's wrong Dan?"

"I wanna hold your hand" he mumbled quietly

I looked around in the tube it was very VERY crowded an many people were pressed together and me and Dan were going to be on the tube for a couple more stops

~~ Dan's Pov

I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers as Phil sighed leaning his head on my shoulder as I put my hand around his waist as no one was looking

We got off the tube and stopped holding hands as we walked into this crowed area and suddenly Phil stopped and looked at me

"Dan I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore"

My heart shattered into tiny pieces as a tear rolled down my cheek as I went to run away as Phil caught my arm

By now a pretty big audience was gathered watching us

Phil wiped away a tear as I looked into his eyes through my teary eyes and I saw he was about to cry

"Dan I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore because-"

He got cut off because I was crying loudly

"B-But I love you Phil" they were lots of aws from the people watching as lots of people were giving Phil the evils

"I know Dan and I don't want you to be my boyfriend because Daniel James Howell will you marry me"

Phil was kneeling down with a ring and I cried tears of happiness

"Yes Phil yes!" I said happily as I kissed him as everyone cheered as he slipped the ring onto my finger as I smiled happily

"I don't care what people think about us anymore" he said smiling

"I love you" I said

"I love you to my fiancée"

I was going to upload this like a while ago but wattpad deleted it
:( an then I had loads of hmk to do and then I was talking my crush at one point and this week has been crazy :)

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