Pet shop

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Summary: Dan and Phil meet at Phil's work place at the pet shop

Warnings: none

Words: 1136

Pov: Dan's


I walked into the pet shop for no reason in particular just to look at all the cute dogs

I wondered around aimlessly waiting for the people around the dog kennels to go away

They went eventually and I crouched down by the little dogs and they came running over to me

I laughed to myself and reached through the the small hole in the fences and stroked them

They all seemed to be fighting to get over to me

"They seem to like you" a voice said making me jump and fall into my butt

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you"

I looked up and there was guy dressed in the pet shop uniform

He reached out his hand and I took it and he pulled me up


"You thinking about getting a dog?"

"I wish I could, the place where I stay doesn't allow pets apart from fish, I think"

"Yeah that's the same for me, I'm glad I work here though because I get to see all the animals everyday"

"You've got a better job than me, I just work at the library most days apart from Wednesday which is my day off"

"I have Tuesdays off and Wednesdays"


We smiled at each other and I blushed a little

"PHIL! Stop chatting about things that aren't work to people!" An old woman said coming over to him looking angry

"I'm sorry miss" he said meekly

"I guess I should go I'll see you soon I hope"

"Hope to see you soon too" he said waving as I left the shop

I don't know why but i felt super happy and had butterflies in my stomach as I left

I spent the rest of the day at home by myself but Phil stayed in my mind all day

He seemed quite a down to earth person and he was pretty good looking too

"Who's good looking?" My mom said coming into my room as I didn't even realise she was home and that I was talking out loud

"What? Oh Phil, WAIT WHAT" I said

"Phil? Who's that"

"Oh this guy I met in a pet store"

"Oooooh Danny"

"Shut up, I'll probably never see him again" I said going up into my room

I didn't do much for the rest off the day and went to sleep early because I had to wake up early for my shift at the library

I walked there slowly and I got there and began putting books away quietly

I wasn't allowed to talk to my friends if they came to the library unless it was book related

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around

"Hiya, how can I- Phil!" I said as Phil was stood infront of me and I was smiling like an idiot

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