Phil's birthday

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Summary: Dan 'forgets' about Phil's birthday

Warnings: X

Words: 814

Pov: Phil's


I got into my bed excited it was my birthday tomorrow and I loved spending my birthday with Dan and he always made my birthday seem like the most important thing in the world


I woke up and realised it was birthday and got excited as I realised it was 10:42am

Dan normally had woke me up by now as he always did or my mum had called and woke me up

I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen and Dan was there eating cereal

"Morning Phil"

"Morning Dan" I said uncertainly

Had he forgot my birthday?

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"What day is it today?" I asked him

"January 30th why?"

"Is anything important happening today?"

"Not that I know of" Dan said

"Okay" I said walking back into my room with a bowl of cereal (which was Dan's)

He actually forgot

I've been his best friend for almost 8 years and he can't even remember my birthday

It seemed like everyone had forgotten which was kind of sad and didn't make me feel to great

I stayed in my room watching anime as I started to cry even though I tried not to

Everyone had forgotten

Even my best friend couldn't be bothered to remember because I was so un-important

I was lost in my own thought until I heard Dan knock of my door

"Phil can you open the door?"

"No! Go away you forgot my birthday!" I said realising it did sound slightly stupid but I didn't care because everyone seemed to have forgotten about me

"Just open the door please" he begged as I stood up rubbing my wet eyes and opened the door

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He shouted along with loads of people behind him including some of my family and all our friends were there outside my room

"Surprise!" Dan said smiling at me as I was in shock

My eyes filled with happy tears as I hugged him and people cheered

"Aw Phil don't cry" Dan said patting my head and I squeezed him tighter

"Aww guys let's leave them to talk" I heard Louise say and everyone left and went into the living room

Dan put his arms around me and whispered in my ear

"I would never forget your birthday Philly"

I didn't want this moment to end as I loved Dan hugging me

I moved my head off his shoulder and Dan wiped my eyes as it made me cry more

"Aww Phil"

"Thank you Dan it was an amazing surprise!"

"So you don't hate me?"

"Of course not" I said smiling

"You should probably go see everyone else now there is quite a few people"

"Okay" I said grabbing his hand and walking into the living room

I saw my friends that I've seen recently and my family of course and there were some friends I hadn't seen in ages from uni and lost touch with them unfortunately

"Josh! Max! James!" I said running towards them

"I haven't seen you in ages!" I said happily as Dan smiled

"How are you even here!?"

"Dan invited us and organised like everything" James said

I turned around looking at Dan who was talking to Louise

"He's pretty awesome" Max said

"I definitely need to thank him" I said

"Well happy birthday Phil!" They all said as my mum came over

"Happy birthday Philly!" She said hugging me

"Thank mum!" I said

"Were you surprised?"

"Definitely I thought everyone forgot" I said laughing

I talked to all my friends and brother as Dan was dashing about with food and I couldn't really talk to him

Suddenly I heard everyone starting to sing as my mum pushed me forwards where Dan was walking in with a massive cake with had pictures of everything I like on and

Happy 30th Birthday Phil!

In fancy writing

I blew out the candles making a wish

I wish that me and Dan continue to do well in YouTube and also to somehow end up with Dan liking me

I smiled and cut up pieces for everyone as I sat next to Dan leaning on him eating my cake

"Thank you for this Dan honestly it's the best thing ever! You invited people I had lost touch with! You made this an awesome surprise! And I love it!" I said as everyone was fairly quiet

"You're welcome Phil, anything for my best friend" he said



"What about a kiss?"

Dan smirked

"Sure" he said getting closer to me stroking my cheek as my heart rate increased

He kissed me softly but it was easy to tell that it was full of love

"Did you enjoy your birthday?"

"Defiantly" I said kissing him


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