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Summary - Dan is preparing to finally propose to Phil

Warnings - XXX

Words - 755

Pov - Dan's


I sat in the plane anxiously as as I got out the ring I was going to give to Phil

I was finally going to propose to Phil I had been meaning to for ages and was going to but then my nan who lives in America was ill and I went to visit her

I opened the little box to show Phil's ring which was gold with Lion engraved on it and a diamond love heart

I sighed feeling worried

What if he said no?

What if he hates me now?

I calmed down and looked at my phone as it vibrated

I can't wait until your home bear I miss you lots Xx

The plane was now taking off and I quickly text a reply

Can't wait till I'm back, I've missed you so much lion, I love you 😍 Xx

I stared out the window wishing the plane could go faster and u clutched the ring box tightly dreaming about what our wedding would be like

I wanted to be with Phil and hug him and kiss him but I couldn't well not yet

I felt myself slowly fall asleep as I cuddled into Phil's jumper as it smelt slightly of him


I woke up to the turbulence as I held Phil's jumper close to me

"Hey were landing in 15 minutes" the guy next to me said

I slipped on Phil's jumper as I wrapped my arms around myself as I got out the engagement ring and slipped it into my pocket and the plane landed

I rushed off the plane and to the baggage collection and waited impatiently and slightly nervous

I grabbed my bag and ran through the hallway and through the door as I saw many people holding up signs as I looked around for Phil and I spotted a guy looking around in a galaxy jacket

I felt tears in my eyes as I was so happy I ran forwards

"Phil! Phil!" I shouted as he saw me and ran towards me

I dropped my suitcase as I jumped up and hugged Phil tightly

He put me down and kissed me as I wrapped my arms around him as we pulled away and Phil wrapped his arms around me

"I missed you" Phil sniffed

"I missed you too" I cried happily into him

I pulled away from him and took the engagement ring out of my pocket as Phil saw and gasped

"Phil will you-" I started as Phil cut me off

"No Dan-" I cut with off as I felt my heart break

"Wait what?" I said near to tears

"Dan-" I cut him off again

"After everything Phil!?" I said as I started to cry

"Dan no it's-" I didn't listen as I turned around picking up my bag walking away from him

"Dan!" Phil said grabbing my hand turning me around as my face was full with tears

He pulled me into a hug and I just cried into him

"Look Dan I love you honestly I really do your amazing and funny and so fucking beautiful and I couldn't imagine life without you I love you so much Dan I really do so so much I love you" Phil said as he got down on one knee as I gasped an many people around us did

He pulled out a box and opened it showing a gold ring with Bear <3 on it with little diamond on

"Dan I love you so much, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will Phil" I said as Phil smiled slipping the ring on my finger and I slipped the ring I had brought for him on his finger as he stood up as I kissed him and tangled my fingers in his hair

"I love you so much my fiancé" Phil said as I kissed him again

"And you had to propose didn't you" I said giggling

"Well I want to make people jealous by saying I proposed to Dan Howell an he said yes"

"I could of said no"

"You wouldn't though"

"True I love you too much" I said kissing him

"I proposed because you found me, you decided to watch me and become friends with me, I didn't really do anything but I have now"

"You've done so much Phil" I said truthfully as he looked confused

"You've always been there for me" I said kissing him


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