
465 13 3

Summary - Phil loves living with Dan in the apartment and really wants to buy it with Dan

Warnings - Nope nope nope

Words - 497

Pov - Phil's


I walked into the office looking for the papers to which me and Dan had to sign if we ever wanted to buy the apartment

I wanted to buy the apartment with Dan for a while but always worried he wouldn't want to

About a year ago we talked about buying the apartment but we never did anything

Dan was out at the moment as he was going to pick up something he ordered

Bear💘 - Hey Danny can you come home please xx

I cringed after putting the kisses as I knew Dan didn't like me like that but he seemed like he did recently which was slightly confusing

From Bear💘 - Yeah sure, you okay Philly? xx

Bear💘 - Yeah I'm fine, but I really need to talk to you it's important

From Bear💘 - Yeah I'm coming home now Phil xx

Bear💘 - Awesome xx

I sat in my room waiting for Dan nervously

"Phil I'm home!" Dan called

"I'm in here!" I called

Dan walked into my room and sat down on my bed

"What's up Phil?" Dan said

"I just want to talk to you um..."

"About what?" Dan said

"This" I said handing him the papers nervously

It was quite as Dan read them and i watched him

"Are you serious? He asked

"Um yeah it's just that I love living with you and I love this apartment and everything and I think it's awesome especially with you and yeah we could buy it together if you wanna"

"Yes of course Phil!" Dan said happily grabbing a pen and signing the papers

"I've wondered about this for a while and now I'm so happy! I could kiss you!"

"Well go ahead" I said

"Wait really?" Dan said looking slightly confused

Dan leaned forwards over to me uncertainly

He stopped

"Phil this doesn't feel right" Dan said a couple centimetres away from me a he pulled back

"Fine" I said grabbing the papers and walking out going to find the landlord

Well there go my hopes and dreams

I went down to the landlord who was happy with our decisions and I didn't feel like going home and went out

From Bear💘 - Hey Philly where are you xx

Bear💘 - Out shopping xx

From Bear💘 - Oh you never told me

Bear💘 - I wanted to go alone

From Bear💘 - Can you come home?

Bear💘 - Yeah sure

I sighed not wanting to go home but I did for Dan

"Hey-" I got cut off my Dan's lips pressed against mine

Shocked I kissed back putting my arms around him

"So what changed your mind?"

"Oh y'know just the fact that I have a huge crush on you and I was nervous earlier"

"Fair enough babe" I said smiling at Dan

"I'm your babe now?" Dan said smiling widely

"If you want to be babe"


Hey hey
So Donald Trump is president
I feel sorry for you Americans
*sips tea*
In better news
I have food, so I'm pretty happy

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