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Summary: Dan starts a new job but his boss seems slightly familiar...
Based off the anime Sekachii-Hatsukoi (Which is a v good yaoi anime if ur interested :D)

Warnings: Slight swearing

Words: 1433

Pov: Dan's


I walked into my new office nervously as I saw my boss

"Hey your the new employer Dan right?"

Oh shit I know him

"Yeah that's me your Phil?"

"Yes, Here's your desk and there is a small pile of work for you" he said as he left me and I talked to the people around me quietly

"Where's the photo copier?" I asked the guy next to me

"I'll show you" Phil my boss said as I walked behind him and down a couple corridors to the photo copier

"I definitely recognise you" he said

I knew him, of course how could I forget him!?
Back in high school I had a huge crush on him and would stalk him around school and in the library and read the books he read and look at him through the library shelfs

Then one day I confessed my feeling for him to him and then he asked me out and we dated for a couple of months but broke it off and lost touch since then

"Perhaps you remember me from high school" I said as his eyes opened wide

"Oh yeah I do" he said and he said nothing more and I just shrugged and carried in with my job, the past is in the past now

"Well done with your work today Dan you can go home now" Phil said coming quite close to me

"Oh okay thanks" I said grabbing my bag and followed him to the lift

"Can you finish that piece of data and give me it when your done?"

"Sure" I said as we walked out into the cool evening air

I started walking home and it seemed like Phil was following me

"Why are you following me?" I said turning around

"I'm not! I'm just simply walking home" he said as I turned the corner to get to the block of flats and waited for the lift as Phil stood next to me

"You live here?" I asked

"Yeah I'm apartment 47"

"Really? I'm apartment 46" I said as he seemed to come closer

"Oh that's cool" he said his breath tickling my ear

We got in the lift up to our rooms

"Well see you" I said unlocking my door

"Feel free to come over if you wanna" he said before going into his apartment

Was that weird?

For a boss you only met today, who is your ex-boyfriend to invite you over?

Whatever it's not like I'm going to go over anyway

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