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Requested by Karshes :D

Warnings: Swearing

Words: 2364

Pov: Dan's


"Okay so who's next!" Chris asked

"Dan!" Marcus shouted

"Okay Dan truth or dare" Chris said mischievously

"Dare" I said grinning

"Okay I dare you to go out with that Phil Lester nerd you sit next to in Maths"

"Pff easy"

"Dan your such a player! Aren't you dating Charlotte right now" Joe said

"Pff who cares about that bitch"

"Be careful with Phil, we used to be friends y'know he's delicate Dan"


I wondered off in search of Phil

I wondered into the library and I saw him sat there alone at a table reading a book

I smirked and walked over to him

"Hey Phil" I said sitting next to him

"Oh hello Dan" he said closing his book smiling at me

"How come your in the library?" He asked looking at me innocently

"I wanted a book will you help me choose?"

"Sure" he said smiling as he got up and I followed him to a certain shelf

"I like reading manga personally so death note is great" he said as he picked it up from the shelf as he was smiling and seemed content looking and flicking through books

"There you go" he said handing it to me blushing

"Thanks" I said as I walked over to the librarian who checked it out

"Hey Phil wanna go out with me after school?"

"Me? Really! Sure!" He said smiling

"I'll meet you outside my locker then see you" I said as I left him smiling and blushing

I had Maths with no one I really liked and it was soon over

I slowly walked over to my locker and Phil was stood there awkwardly holding a book

"Dan!" He said waving as I walked over

"Hey" I said

"What's that?" I asked pointing at the book he was holding

"Oh it's this book" he said showing me the fault in our stars

"Oh so you like a bit of romance?"

"Well I guess, doesn't everyone" he said blushing

"I know I do" I said winking making him blush and look down at the floor as I grabbed his hand

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