
543 12 10

Summary - Dan and Phil are in a fire and Phil gets stuck in the building

Warnings - Burning

Words - 845

Pov - Dan's


I sat laid back on my office chair editing some newspaper pieces with my boyfriend Phil

We were so lucky to work on a job we both love and also both love each other

I couldn't imagine a world without Phil he was my everything and thanks to this job we met and he drove me crazy at first which made me fall in love with him

Phil sat next to me with his cute glasses on, as he was reading an article was going through my emails as I looked out the glass windows to see the great view of London, that was the best thing about being on the top floor of a building

I finished checking my emails and replied to some as walked over to Phil wrapping my arms around him

"You almost done beautiful? We can go get lunch?"

"Yeah almost done Danny" he said turning his was kissing my cheek as he continued reading as I could smell something weird

"Be back in a minute babe" I said leaving the room following the weird smell

Then I realised what the smell was


Suddenly the fire alarm went off and people started to file out as I saw the flames

I quickly ran back to mine and Phil's room and saw Phil wasn't there so I followed people outside the building and we stood in our work groups as the manager was calling the fire brigade

I looked around for Phil worriedly as I couldn't see him

"Have you seen Phil?" I asked Chris

"No I never saw him come out" he said worriedly as we were all pretty good friends

We got silenced as they did a register and everyone was here

Apart from Phil

"Phil Lester?" They called


"Phil Lester!" They shouted

I burst into tears as Chris hugged me

I broke away from him and started running towards the burning building

"Dan! No! You might die!" Chris shouted

"I don't care! I'm not letting Phil die!" I screamed as I spotted a entrance which wasn't on fire and rushed in tying my jacket around my mouth so I didn't breath in to much smoke

I ran up the set of stairs as the bottom levels weren't burning as much

I was below the floor me and Phil worked and ran to the stairs but they were blocked by flames

I pulled of my jacket and started to cough

"Phil! Phil!" I shouted

I ran around the floor looking for a way up but I couldn't see anything or Phil

"Phil!" I screamed

I spotted a hole above me and dragged a table from a room and stood on it jumping up to the next floor

I ran around and spotted Phil lying on the ground getting away from the smoke with a tie or something around his mouth

"Phil!" I called as I turned to me and stood up and hugged me as I hugged back quickly

"We gotta get out" he panicked as flames were almost surrounding us as we backed into some glass

"Phil if we die I just-"

"Dan were not going to die" Phil said sternly

"Dan how are we supposed to escape?" Phil said as the fire was so close to us

I grabbed an office chair and swung it at the class breaking it as Phil gasped

"Phil do you trust me?" I asked

"Dan I love you of course I do" he said

"Okay because were about to jump out this window and into the lake below us"


"Okay?" I said as the fire was literally burning my trousers

"Okay" he said putting his arms around me as we kissed and jumped of the building kissing

We pulled away as I curled into a ball as I hit the water

I came up and I saw Phil looking weak and followed me and we got out of the lake as Phil was shivering

Phil took a step forwards as collapsed onto the floor and I hobbled over picking him up and walking towards where everyone was standing

I crumbled and sat on the floor as I bent over Phil stroking his hair as he was still unconscious

Chris ran over

"Dan! I saw you jump and everything! Are you okay!? Is Phil okay?"

I burst into tears as the fire engine had arrived and was putting out the fire and the ambulance was there and took us in

They checked me and told me that neither me or Phil had inhaled to much smoke

They told me he was close to waking up and left me and him in the ambulance

Phil turned around the face me and opened his beautiful eyes

"You saved me"

"We saved each other"

Hope you enjoyed that ^_^
How are you guys?
I'm getting used to being at high school now in yr 9, although I sometimes still get lost

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