Pokemon go

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Summary: They meet using Pokemon go

Warnings: N/A


Pov: Dan's


I grabbed my phone once I saw Pokemon go had downloaded and starting walking about London waiting the app to load

I spotted a Pikachu in the distance and excitedly walked towards it staring down at my phone

I walked quickly not looking up until I walked into another man making me lose balance falling back into the floor

"Omg are you okay!?" He asked crouching down

"Erm yeah I think so" I said looking up at him and my breath stopped he had these amazing ocean blue eyes and had similar hair to mine but black

He held out his hand and I gladly took it as he pulled me up

"I'm Dan" I said holding out my hand

"Phil" he said shaking it gently as I smiled

"Dan! Your elbows!" He said slightly alarmed

"What?" I said looking at them realising they were bleeding badly

"Oh" I said realising

"Dan I'm so so sorry this is all my fault!" He said looking sad

"No it's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going and just looking for some Pokemon"

Phil laughed as I bent down and picked my phone up as I smeared some blood on the case

"Urgh I gotta go get this sorted" I said

"Wait Dan I've got some tissues they might help" Phil said rummaging in his bag as we sat down on a bench

He mopped away most of it on my right arm as for my left arm wouldn't stop

"It looks kinda deep" Phil said worriedly

"Really!?" I slightly scared

"Um Dan you might need stitches" Phil said scared

"Oh" I said worriedly

"Don't worry the hospital is close I'll walk you there!" Phil said

"Okaii" I said walking beside Phil Pokemon long forgotten

It wasn't long until we reached the hospital with blood mostly covering my arm now as I started to feel slightly dizzy as we entered the hospital

"The receptionist looked shocked when she saw me and put me near the top of the list and told me to walk down the corridor and I the left into a waiting room

"Phil I feel dizzy like really dizzy" I said panicky

"Dan c'mon were nearly at the waiting room" Phil said as I grabbed onto him panicking as my vision started to cloud and blur until it completely faded and I crumpled into a pile of the floor hearing Phil yell my name

I awoke later on a bed in a small room with Phil crying beside me holding my hand squeezing it tightly

"P-Phil?" I said weakly

"Dan!" He said hugging me as I sat up crying into my shoulder

"You okay now?" He sniffed

"Yeah fine got a little headache though" I said rubbing me head

"What exactly happened?" I asked

"Well you fainted landing on your arm which they stitched so it's fine now and they took you away and scanned you showing that you fainted because of blood loss but your fine now"

"I stayed with you throughout it all" Phil added quietly as I sat up properly staring at him

I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you" I said before pulling away quickly just to move closer leaning forwards as did Phil as we closed the gap kissing as it felt perfect

"Excuse me" a nurse said as we pulled away

"Dan you are free to go home now and we have given you some pain killers" she said pointing at the chair where they were sat

"Goodbye" she added before leaving

"Let's try that again" I said smirking as we kissed again for longer filled with pure love

"I love you" he whispered

"I love you too" I whispered back

And I did
Thanks to Pokemon go

Sorry I haven't update in awhile I was working on a new phanfic (it's called Difference if u wanna check it out)
And life was kinda drama-y
More updates coming soon
(When I'm back of holiday)
Hope u enjoyed this though!!
Soz for the delay

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