The Theatre kid and the art kid p2

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This update is so very long awaited I'm so sorry but I've been through some major up and downs recently but I'm just so glad to disappear back into writing again :)

Title: Theatre kid and the art kid

Summary: Continued from the last chapter

Warnings: Mention of suicide

Words: 4369

Pov: Phil's


Nervousness. Creeping over me, filling my thoughts, I squeezed Dan's hand as he looked over at me with a slightly sleepy smile


"The people at school aren't very nice" I said biting my lip

"People didn't say anything when we walked around together"

"They stared a lot"

"It's the same today we're just actually together" he said with a smile

"I just... I don't know" I said picking at my nail

"Is it because, when you dated Connor, everyone said shit didn't they, well at least it was all I ever heard"

"People talked a lot of shit about us"

"What happened-"

I shook my head, I didn't have to explain myself

We carried on walking in silence

"Do you want to still stay with me during school" he said his voice cracking slightly

"Yeah! I-I just don't want to be like- like that in-front of everyone yet, I'm sorry" I said awkwardly

"It's fine" He said

I grabbed his hand as I blushed

"I like you" I said squeezing his hand

"Just a lot happened" I said

"Like what? I don't know! I don't know anything about what happened, all I know is that Connor dated you and then died from a drug overdose!" He suddenly said in an outburst

"Ah. I'm sorry" he said as I stopped walking and didn't say anything

"I want to go somewhere after school" I said

"Phil I'm so sorry" he said

"I haven't gave you a proper reasoning it's okay" I said squeezing his hand as he looked upset

"Are you going to drama this morning?"

"Yeah, it's the first couple scenes we're going over so you don't-"

"I'm coming, I love seeing you perform y'know" I said smiling trying to forget about his small outburst

"I'm sorry I yelled, really sorry, I know it's hard for you and I really like you" he said as he kissed my cheek before we walked into school

"Ah- sorry not in-front of school" he said covering his mouth

"But-" I started biting my lip as he looked at me with a small smile

"Is that all I get?" I said copying his little smile

"We're in-front of school! And you said you don't want anyone seeing us"

I just shrugged with a small a laugh

He leaned in and I felt his lips on mine, it was soft, sweet and sort of relaxing and I craved it

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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