Science project

451 7 14

Summary - Dan and Phil hate each other but get picked to work on a science project

Warnings - XxX

Words - 1465

Pov - Phil's


I sat down in science next to my best friend PJ as the teacher entered as the class quietened down

"Right today class you will have to get in pairs as I want you to go a project on what we have been doing recently in class, so about the human body and brain and how things affect our body"

I turned to PJ

"Wanna work together?"

"Of cou-"

"Let me stop you there PJ I will choosing your pairs" he said with an evil smirk

I hated working in pairs with people I didn't really like and know many people 

As long I wasn't with Phil, Chris or Tyler I didn't care, they where the popular people who hated people like me apparently

"Dan you going to be paired with Phil"

"Whyy" I mumbled to myself

"Go sit next to Phil"

I stood up sitting next to Phil as he didn't seem to bothered by me

The teacher rambled on as Phil passed me a note

Hey ^_^

He smiled at me which sent a warm tingly feeling down my body which was weird

Heya :)

Can I have your number for the project?

Sure it's 07285 2847193

Phil secretly got out his phone and texted me as I received his number

Phil actually wasn't that bad and seemed nice, guess I judged him to soon

"Right Dan! Phil! Stop sending each other notes! Come to me after school for detention!" The teacher yelled at us as I tried not to laugh

The bell rang as we left and I was talking to Phil

"So do you wanna come to my house after school? I asked as I felt myself getting hotter

"Yeah sure meet me by my locker" Phil said walking off

I walked over to PJ happily

"Omg Dan do you fancy Phil!?" PJ said as I'm sure I was still red

"What!? No" I said

"Well how come you two kept laughing together and your blushing right now?" PJ said smirking

"Shut up" I said blushing

"He's probably not gay though Dan" PJ said

"Oh well a guy can dream" I said laughing

The day continued and Phil smiled at me throughout the day making me heart melt a little as I realised how attractive he was

I waited at for him at his locker as he walked up to him

"Hey Dan" he said

"Hey Phil" I said smiling

"Ready for detention?"

"Yeah" I say laughing

We walked into Mr Shays classroom 

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