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Summary - Dan goes shopping and gets lost

Warnings - Nooo

Words - 880

Pov - Dan's


"Bye Phil I'll be back in around an hour if not assume I'm dead!" I said joking as I heard Phil laugh

"Bye Danny!" I heard Phil reply as I left

I started walking happily through the streets of London

I was actually outside and going shopping as the website was down but it was getting later

I walked along the streets following the directions my phone was giving me

It took about 10 minutes to get there and I checked the time 19:49

The shop closed at 20:30 as I entered excitedly and walked over to the jeans and looked for the pair I was wearing but in a bigger size

I found them easily enough and went to try them on excitedly as they were my favourite jeans as I first brought them when I was with Phil and he loved them on me

I walked out the changing room with them on as I looked at myself and I was a little unsure as they were quite skinny and it was what male models wore which was not me

A shop assistant walked past me and literally stopped

"Are you a model?" He asked me as I laughed

"No just your average guy wondering if these jeans look okay"

"Jeez I'm straight but you do look pretty beautiful in them"

"Wow thanks" I said

"There is this t-shirt which goes with it if your interested"

"Yeah okay" I said

He handed me a black t-shirt with white zig zags around the outside and I quickly got changed into it and looked into the mirror and I liked what I looked like

"Wow" the assistant said

"I'm getting them!" I said running back and changing into my clothes I ran back out and paid for them happily wanting to change into them

"I'm excuse me can I quickly change into them?" I asked the assistant

"Yeah sure" he said as I changed I to them feeling confident in my new clothes

I left the shop as I got out my phone ready to find my way back home to Phil in time otherwise I knew he would worry

I went to turn on my phone but it wouldn't turn on them I realised it must be dead and I started to panic as I didn't know how to get home from here and started walking in the direction I came from

I felt nervous as it was dark now and I guessed it was almost 9 and I should be back home now and I had no clue where I was and I wasn't near the main road and I was in some badly lit alleyway and I didn't feel safe at all and I was freezing

I hadn't seen anyone around in ages and was loosing hope of ever going home and seeing Phil again

I stumbled around for which seemed like hours in the dark not recognising anything as I felt terrified, cold and sad

I sat down underneath a weak flickering street lamp and wrapped my arms around myself as I thought of a plan

I'd sleep out here tonight then tomorrow find a way back home in the light

I thought of Phil what he was doing, was he worried? Did he care? Was he out looking for me? I wanted to see Phil I wanted a hug from Phil

I started crying from pure fear and sadness as I hugged my knees in my new jeans

I looked up and through my teary eyes I could see a tall figure walking in my direction wrapped in a coat while I was there freezing in a t-shirt

They got closer and walked underneath the lamppost and I saw there face was red and tear stained and they had a cute fringe then I realised it was Phil

I blinked a couple times and rubbed my eyes as I stood up and Phil ran over to me as I burst into tears and hugged him tightly shaking

"I-I thought I-I'd never s-see you a-again" I cried

"I-I didn't think you'd look f-for me" I said

"What makes you think that? I'd always look for you Dan!"

I hugged him tighter

"I'm scared Philly" I mumbled into him

"Let's go home Danny" he said taking off his coat and wrapping it around me

"Thank you" I said as Phil put his arm around me

We walked home quickly as Phil held me close as we walked into our home

The warm air hit me hard and I collapsed onto the floor

"Dan you okay?" Phil said sitting beside me

"Mhmm" I replied as Phil picked me up and took me to my room

He put me under the covers taking off my jeans and t-shirt for me blushing a little

"These are very fancy Dan your like a model" he said as I smiled weakly as Phil slipped in beside me shirtless which I didn't see much he held my close

"I thought I'd never see you again Phil"

"Well I'm here now Dan and I'm never going to lose you"

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