Tumblr boy

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Summary - Pastel! Dan, Punk! Phil. Dan is alone at the park when he meets Phil

Warnings - HE WAS A SK8R BOI SHE SAID SHE YA L8R BOI um I mean nothing


Pov - Dan's

A/N: Dan and Phil are both 19


I woke up early extremely early for me 7am I wanted to get out this house

I lived with my parents still and was so desperate to move and to find my own flat or move is with someone but I didn't have many friends or a boyfriend unfortunately

Everyday I went out early and came back late I couldn't stand being with my parents in there house

I would spend days wondering about or going to a friends or working at the local newsagents

I quickly showered and got dressed into my light blue jeans, a pastel blue and pink t-shirt with an ice cream on with my dark blue Adidas trainers and a cyan flower crown as I quick grabbed my phone and some loose change as I saw my pastel pink nail varnish was starting to chip I sighed and went to walk out the door

"Where do you think your going young man?" My mom asked sternly

"Out." I replied bluntly

I left without another word as I walked over to the skatepark about 20 minutes away

I got there feeling cold as I didn't realise it would be this cold

I sat up on the tallest ramp watching as many guys did tricks on there skateboards showing off

There was this one guy who looked slightly emo wearing a panic! At the disco t-shirt as I secretly fangirled over it, he was not so good at using a skateboard kept looking over in my direction I thought we was looking for his girlfriend or something as he was bound to have one but there was no one around me as I was sat at the back of a skate ramp

He skated up the ramp and looked over at me I raised my eyebrow at him and he winked at me as he went down the slope as he seemed to get caught on something as he slipped falling down the slope

I gasped going over to the edge looking down at him from the ramp an he lay there and sat up seemingly fine

I leaned forwards slightly to get a better view and suddenly part of the ramp broke and I fell down it on the side of my face screaming

I hit the side of the guys shoe who winked at me as I lay there with my eyes closed as I heard people gather around me

"Is he dead?" I heard some girl say

"Yeah I'm totally dead" I said opening my eyes and sitting up

My face was stinging as I touched it and blood appeared over my hand

I sighed as I went to stand up as I slipped but someone caught me and I turned seeing it was the panic! At the disco guy

"Um thanks" I said as he stood me up

"No problem tumblr boy" he said grinning

"Wait tumblr boy?"

"Yeah you look like something tumblr have birth to"

"Um thanks? I think?"

"How's your face?"

"Hurting" I said as it did sting

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