I didnt mean too

554 7 0

Summary - Dan wakes up next to slightly drunk Phil after a huge party

Warnings - X

Words - 562

Pov - Dan's


I opened my eyes yawning as I sat up

This wasn't home

Beer cans littered the floor and there was a strong scent of alcohol coming from downstairs

Next to me lay Phil


Memories came flooding back the way Phil was a bit drunk and kissed me roughly and he lead me to the bedroom

I quickly grabbed my stuff and went home pretending I went home at the end of the party instead of sleeping with Phil

I got home and had a quick shower and got dressed and called Phil

"Phil where are you!?" I said trying to sound concerned

"Um at the party still I'll come home I'm on the way home" Phil said sounding normal not like he was drunk at all

"Okay, you hung over?" I asked

"Um kinda not really"

"Weren't you really drunk?" I asked

"Not really gotta go phone is almost dead bye!" he said

I ended the call feeling worried

Did he remember last night?

Was he annoyed at me for it?

Did he like me?

Where we still friends?

I waited nervously for him to come home hoping he didn't remember

I heard the door open and I heard Phil walk over to my room

"Hey Dan!" Phil said walking into my room

"Heya" I said

"You feeling okay?" I asked

"Yeah why?"
"Just figured you might have a headache as you were drunk last night"

"I didn't have much Dan" He said laughing

"Mhm" I said confused

Phil left my room as I was really confused

If he wasn't drunk he would remember but he wasn't saying anything

Maybe he thought I didn't remember?

Ugh why was this so confusing

I spent all day in my room being confused and decided if just straight up ask him

"Hey Phil" I said walking into his room

"Oh hey Dan you alright?"

"Yeah well no well kinda" I said a Phil looked at me confused sitting up straight

"What's up?"

"What do you remember from last night?" I asked

"Well um..." He said slowly going red

"So everything" I said sighing

"Um yeah" he said going redder

"I thought you were drunk" I said quietly

"I thought you was" Phil whispered loud enough for me to hear

We were both quiet

"So what does this mean?" Phil asked

"I-I dunno" I said walking out his room going into my own room and curling up into a ball falling asleep

I woke up thoughts running round my head

Did I like Phil?

Well I thought he was really funny and I loved his hair and eyes and everything and they way he hugs me

I was definitely in love with him

I got up and dressed and walked into the kitchen where Phil was

I didn't say anything, I tugged on Phil's arm making him turn and face me as I moved forwards as I connected our lips and it felt so right

Phil dropped whatever he was holding and put his arms around me kissing me back

"So what does this mean?" I asked him smiling

"It means I love you"

"I love you too"

Sorry I haven't updated I've been really busy and that but I will upload more now :)

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