
603 9 3

Summary - Phil is studying at Dan's bakery

Warnings - Nopeeeeeeeeey

Words - 721

Pov - Phil's


I threw my work down on the table and sighed as I rested my head in my hands

I was doomed I couldn't do maths to save my life

"Hey can I get you anything?" A guy said

"Just anything I don't care" I said irritated

He came back with a small plate and a coffee

"I got you these cookies and a coffee" he said

"Thanks" I said glumly as I looked at the guy noticing he was pretty cute

"Hey aren't you the guy in my maths class? Phil?" He asked

"Um yeah your Dan?" I said smiling

"Yeah, What you mad about?" He asked eating one of my cookies

"Maths, I can't fucking do it" I said annoyed

"What can't you do?" He asked

"Everything I'm going to fail"

Dan started looking through all my sheets while I drank my coffee and ate a cookie which were really good

"This is easy!" He said as I looked at him

"Hey I can tutor you if you want"

"Really? Yes please! The test is next week"

"Wanna meet up here after school"

"Yeah sure"

I went after Dan have me some tips


I waited for Dan after school I mostly started to hang out with him but we didn't have the same lessons

"Dan!" I said waving as he ran over

"Hey Phil!" He said as he hugged me and we started walking to his bakery

We started talking about what we liked and then it got silent

Our hands brushed against each other as we walked as Dan slipped his hand into mine as we entered his bakery and he dropped my hand and we sat down

Over the couple of days we got closer an I got lots of awesome free food too

We literally got closer each day and sat extremely close to each other and hand holding was just normal now

It was the last day of revising for maths and I was actually doing pretty well


I came out of school with Dan laughing hand in hand which we never talked about it just happened

I loved going to Dan's bakery/house and sad that this was the last time

"I'm sad that this is the last time I'm going to come with you" I said leaning my head on his shoulder as we continued to walk

"This doesn't have to be the last time you can come everyday after school if you want to"

"Really!?" I said happily as I love being with Dan

"Yeah sure!" Dan said stopping to hug me as I blushed

We walked back continuing to talk about random things laughing

We walked into the bakery laughing as Dan grabbed two coffees and I chose some cute heart shaped cookies

I opened up my folder full of maths an set it on the table as I looked around around for some chairs but there was only one which Dan was sat on

"Dannnn there isn't any other chairs"

"Come here" he said as I walked over and he patted his lap as I giggled and sat on his lap wiggling about

We had a break and lay on a pile of beanbags as I lay with my head on Phil's chest as he messed with my hair

We were discussing the last of the revision as Dan's mum came in and gave us another coffee

"So what do you do then?" Dan asked

"You times it by 4 then take away 2" I said

"Yes you got it Phil!"

"Yay!!!" I sad happily standing up as I hugged Dan tightly

"Thank you so so so so much!" I said as we walked into the now slightly busy bakery

I hugged Dan again quickly and as we pulled away and I looked at Dan and before I knew it my lips was against his as I pulled him closer and moved my hands into his hair

"Wow guys PDA much?" Dan's mum said as we blushed bright red

"Do you want to be my boyfriend Phil?" Dan asked blushing

Man he was adorable

"Yes of course I want to Dan!"

Who knew something like maths could lead to getting a boyfriend?

And a pretty amazing one too

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