Xmas Flowers

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Summary: Pastel! Dan, Punk! Phil, Dan is setting up his xmas tree in his flower shop when Phil notices him and walks in

Warnings: X

Words: 1189

Pov: Phil's


I shoved my hands into my jeans as I sloped along sadly as I heard Christmas songs coming from shops

I looked up as I saw a guy who looked around my age maybe slightly younger setting up a Christmas tree with a smile on his face as shook his hips singing along

I smiled, as he looked very cute and innocent as I walked into the small flower shop

"Hello" I said making him jump

"Oh hey" he said innocently fiddling with his hair making his jumper rise up a little as I felt myself blush

"Are you looking for something?" He asked me as I zoned out

Why was he so perfect?
Why was he making me blush?
Why was he so pretty and innocent?"

"Um erm the best flowers you've got" I said smiling

"Well our most popular are these roses" he said

"But my personal favourites are these middle mist camellias" he said smiling

"What's your name?" I asked him

"I'm Dan" he said blushing slightly

"I'm Phil" I said

"Your really pretty" I said as he started to go red

"Your not so bad yourself" he said

I blushed a little making eye contact with him as I turned my attention to the flowers

"I think I'll get these" I said picking up Dan's favourite flowers

"Good choice" he said slipping behind the counter

"How much are they?"

"Normally £6 but because I like you let's say free of charge?"

"Thank you!" I said as I slid him £10

"It's a tip" I said winking as I went to leave

"Wait!" He called

"Am I ever going to see you again?" He asked seeming desperate

"Trust me, you will, maybe even tonight?" I said winking as I left

As soon as I was out of sight of Dan's flower shop I ran home and had a shower quickly and spent ages picking out a pair of black slightly ripped jeans, a Panic! At the disco t-shit and my slightly big leather jacket as I added a very slight layer of eyeliner

I started to panic a little nervous to see him again as I was basically asking him out

I was asking out a cute innocent pastel boy while I'm an very un-innocent punk guy, but he seemed to like me and I knew I was already in love with him

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