Theatre kid and the art kid p1

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Title: Theatre kid and the art kid

Summary: They aren't supposed to be friends, they aren't supposed to get along, but does fate say otherwise

Warnings: Mention of suicide (not Dan and Phil though)

Words: 5102

Pov: Phil's


I walked back into school slightly dreading staying after school as I looked up at the huge bright pink sign which read


It was old sign which was put up a couple months ago, the show was almost ready to be performed I really wanted to audition for it but I couldn't

I was an art kid and I loved it but I loved drama aswell

But the theatre kids and the art kids never got on so I did I decided to have ago at doing the set designs

People messed them up because they hated the theatre kids but I was determined to make my piece (the magical castle) look good without any mistakes although I doubted it would happen

I slowly walked through the quite halls and out into the art block

I walked into the art room and grabbed my painting off the drying rack to see what I needed to improve and to add some final finishing touches but all over it was red spills of paint and someone had write LISTEN UP BIATCH in dark blue sharpie in the middle of the design


"Oh hello Philip" my teacher Mrs Highten said

"Mrs look what happened"

"Oh Phil that was such a good piece, it's for the show right?"

"Yeah but everyone is ruining them and I really want to do something good"

"Ah yes, because the art and drama students do not get on very well and it's their own set as well" She said sighing and went quiet thinking

"Hmm I don't see why, me and the drama teacher Mr Cole get on quite well"

"Can I re-start now?" I asked

"Well I have to go home so the art department will close now but you can take some newspaper and the materials you need and go into the theatre with all the drama students and finish it in there while they rehearse"

"Will I be allowed?"

"Of course! I'll email Mr Cole right now to say you're coming over and that you should have your own space"

"Oh thank you" I said grabbing some materials and a new large piece of paper and some pencils

"Thanks!" I called again as I left giving her a wave as I walked towards the theatre

I did have that kind of sick and nervous feeling in my stomach just in case some theatre kids decided to have a go at me

I opened the door and it was pretty old and creaky so everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me as I felt my heart drop the the floor

"Ah Phil! Mrs Highten said you were coming please come here and finish the set piece! Everyone please do not say anything rude to him if so it will result in a ban to perform in the show"

I walked down the steps and laid out all my things as I started to draw while they began to act and it sounded like everything was coming together and a managed a smile as I confidently hummed along to some of the songs

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