He's got a boyfriend??

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Summary - Dan has a crush on Phil and finds out Phil has a boyfriend

Warnings - None

Words - 721

Pov - Dan's


"Dan can I talk to you"

"Sure you can" I said sitting next to him on his bed as he fiddled with his fingers

"What's up?"

"Um I just want you to know that I've um got a boyfriend"

"Oh" I said as I felt my chances disappear of ever being with him as I felt my heart break

"Well congrats" I said

"Thanks and if you were wondering I am gay"

"Oh cool so how did you meet?" I mumbled

"I saw him at Tesco and we started talking and he asked me out we went to university together and yeah and I'm about to go on a second date with him and he's name Connor" Phil said excitedly

"Oh cool" I mumbled

"You okay Dan?" Phil said anxiously

"No I think I'm having a exestential crisis" I said truthfully

"Do you want me to stay at home with you?"

"No it's okay" I mumbled

"You sure?"


Phil left uncertainly as I lay down on the carpet

Phil always was with me when I had exestential crisis an made me feel better but it always made me feel like I was wasting his life

My phone vibrated a couple times In the past hour but I lay there

I heard Phil come back home and I didn't move

"Dan I'm back!" I heard Phil yell

I didn't move from outside our bedrooms lying there

"Dan? I heard him as he was stood next to me as I lay on the floor

Phil crouched down beside me as I faced away from him

"C'mon Danny what's wrong?" Phil said

"Nothing" I said

Phil pulled me off the ground despite me grabbing onto the floor tightly

I lay on his chest as he stroked my hair as I let out shaky breath as Phil calmed me down

Phil put his arms around me as I cuddled into him

"How was your date?" I said shakily as I sniffed into him grabbing his t-shirt

"Pff he only wanted to date me because I'm famous now and wanted to steal my money and see what happens when were not on camera"

"I'm sorry Phil you deserve so much better"

Phil sighed

"Guess I'm just destined to be forever alone"

"No your not Philly" I said as he looked down at me smiling

I put my arms around his neck as I lay on his shoulder

"Why are you having an exestential crisis then Dan?" Phil asked

"I just feel really down just about life" I said

"What's making you feel down?"

"Just like your moving on with life dating people falling in love and I'm stuck here confused about life and the phans are going crazy about phan and that there is so many phan moments now and seeming to like force it to be real like what happened a couple years ago and I keep getting constant hate which really puts me down"

"Aww Dan do you want to make a post on tumblr about it?"

"I dunno" I said

"I just feel like everyone hates me" I said

Phil stood up as I was still attached to him and he moved me so I was on his back and I snuggled into his neck as he walked into the living room and Phil placed me on the sofa as he grabbed his laptop and opened up tumblr as I lay with my head on his shoulder as he went on the danisnotonfire tag

"Look at this Dan all these millions of people love you"

Phil then went on the amazingphil tag

"See look your all over my tag aswell people love you Dan"

I put my arms around Phil

"People love you too Philly" I said as he put his arm around my waist

"Connor didn't and people prefer you over me" Phil said

"I prefer you over me, I love you Phil" I said blushing as I moved up towards his face as my lips brushed against his cool skin as I kissed him softly

Phil kissed back softly too

"Phil will you be my boyfriend?" I whispered to him

"Of course"

Yeah now he's does have a boyfriend

Aye wassup guys
It's almost Halloween
I'm getting (hopefully) a iPhone 5S
(I have a iPhone 4 rn rip)

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