Football stadium

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Summary: Sporty! Dan and Nerdy! Phil

Warnings: a bit of swearing

Words: 3150

Pov: Phil's


I grabbed all my books and headed out of the library as I couldn't concentrate very well

I headed outside and I wanted to go my room but I shared it with this really annoying guy named Jake and he was such a party guy and most the times they were in our room which and I hated had been wanting to move since forever and was still on a waiting list

I decided the go sit in the football stadium as it was quite calming there when it wasn't busy

I sat on the front chairs putting my feet up on the barrier between the chairs and the pitch and started revising for my biology test next week

A few moments later loads of people rushed into the stadium as music started playing

"Oh shit" I said to myself as I realised today was the day there was a match between our rival school

I tried to get up out and leave but it was too crowded and I gave up at sat down

"I'll leave at the half time" I mumbled to myself

I watched the football which was okay I guess

I actually understood football after playing it for years in school even though I didn't want to

Our school was easily winning as I thought it was down to the captain Dan Howell who had just recently been sent off but he was very talented at football and he was a nice guy and I had hung out with him before and he was awesome and kinda cute too although I didn't know to much about him

It was eventually half time and I was able to gather up my things and I went to leave when there was a surge of people who pushed me and I fell back over the barrier

I banged my head on something as i was now lay on the muddy football pitch

"Are you okay?" Someone asked as they were slightly blurry as I realised my glasses had fallen off

"Oh here you go" he said handing me my glasses as I looked up realising it was Dan Howell stood above me

My head was throbbing as I put my hand up to it as my hand came back covered in blood

"Here" he said giving me his hand as he pulled me up

I felt a bit dizzy as I held onto him and he held my books and took me across the pitch and we went back to where all the footballers were sat

Dan sat me down on a chair away from all their eyes and placed a wet cotton pad on my cut and held it to my head

"Did you hit anywhere else?" He asked softly

"N-no I don't think so I'm just really muddy" I said

He patted my cut clearing the blood as the whistle blew

"Do you have to go back now?"

"Nah I got kicked off what's the point in just sitting on the bench" he said adding some antiseptic

"You should probably go back to your room and take a shower"

"Mhm" I said as I knew Jake would be there and I didn't want to go back and Dan picked up on this

"You got a terrible roommate?"

"Yeah Jake" I said

"Oh poor you" he said as I laughed

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