Ouija board

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Summary - Phil convinces Dan to try an ouija board with him

Warnings - Nope

Words - 823

Pov - Phil's


"Dan it will be awesome" Phil said grabbing an ouija board off the shelf

"No Phil" he said quietly

"Whyyyyy" I said

Dan mumbled something I couldn't here

"What?" I said

"I said it's TOO FUCKING SCARY AND WEIRD!" Dan yelled and walked off to another aisle

"Oh" I said to myself

Dan seemed angry and annoyed today

I walked down a couple of aisles looking for Dan

I spotted him at the exit as I paid for the board and walked towards him

"C'mon let's go home" I said as Dan didn't say anything and followed me

We got into the taxi together

"Why don't you like them" I asked quietly

"There creepy and posses people and I really don't trust them and I don't want you to get possessed or something really bad happen to you" Dan mumbled

"Aww Dan" I said hugging him as we arrived back home

Dan went to straight to his room as I called a bunch of people

I called Chris and PJ and invited them over to come and play with the ouija board

"Dan?" I said walking into his room as he sat up looking at me as I sat on his bed and shuffled over to him resting my head on his shoulder

"Just scrolling through tumblr" he said continuing to scroll

I watched him as lots of photos if me and Dan with lots of edited stuff on and then edits of me and Dan kissing and phan art

Suddenly Dan's computer froze leaving a picture of people who looked like us naked on a bed kissing

I saw Dan's face go bright red as I'm pretty sure my face was too

"Um Dan"

"Yeah" he said furiously clicking

"Wanna help me cook dinner?" I said

"Yeah" Dan said

We walked out of his room and started to get some ingredients to cook some Mexican food

"This is a load of food" Dan said

"Oh yeah I forgot to say Chris and PJ are coming over

"Why" Dan said anxiously

"To try out the ouija board" I said not looking him in the face

"No Phil"

"Dan c'mon it will be fun please"

"Phil I dunno" Dan said anxiously

"Dan it will be fine loads of people will be there"

"Fine" Dan said anxiously as he left me in the kitchen

I finished cooking and set it up and the ouija board and darkened the room lighting lots of candles as I heard the door bell go

I opened it and Chris and PJ were there

"Hi guys! C'mon in!" I said as they walked into the living room and started eating some food as I went to find Dan

He walked out of his room in a pair of my pyjamas and with a couple of blankets

"Nice pyjamas Dan" I said smiling

"Sorry Phil"

"It's okay Danny"

"I'm scared" Dan said

I hugged him tightly

"It's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fun" I said as Dan nodded

We walked into the living room and Chris 'prepared' the ouija board telling it we won't make fun and this is serious

Everyone put there hand on the sensor thing

"Is there anyone there?" Chris said as Dan whimpered and the sensor moved towards yes

"I'm Chris and this is PJ, Dan and Phil" Chris said as Dan looked terrified

"Do you like us?" PJ asked as the sensor slowly moved towards Yes

Dan let out some short breaths as he lay on my shoulder

"Do you like me?" Dan asked as it moved towards No

Dan moved his hand off the sensor and cuddled into me

"I can't do this Phil" he mumbled so only I could hear

I wrapped my arms around him as Chris and PJ closed the board by saying goodbye

Dan started to shake and I realised he was crying into me as I held him close as Chris and PJ watched

"Is he okay?" PJ mouthed

I shook my head as Dan cried harder into me

"Dan are you okay?" I asked

He shook his head

"A fucking ghost fucking hates me" he cried

"Everyone fucking hates me!" Dan shouted

"Dan over 6 million people like you"

"And Dan I fucking love you" I said kissing him a little roughly as Dan kissed me back with his extremely soft lips

Chris and PJ were cheering as I smiled into Dan's lips

"I'm actually kinda glad we did that ouija board" Dan said


"Otherwise I don't think you would of kissed me"

"Probably not" I said laughing

"Although probably I would have started to go crazy and one day probably run into your room and jump on top of you and start kissing the shit out of you"

"Well that doesn't sound so bad does it" Dan said winking

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