Fuck boy

592 12 16

Summary: Phil Lester is the biggest fuck boy in the school and Dan is a nerd

Warnings - Xx

Words - 1584

Pov - Dan's


I stood waiting in the hall sitting on a table with my best friend PJ as I saw Phil Lester walking over to me

Phil Lester is the biggest fuck boy ever, he's been with everyone is the year all the girls and most the guys all expect me

He's trying to get me in his bed I can tell, but he acts weird even his friends can tell

"Hey Danny" Phil said sliding next to me

PJ sighed next to me

"Aw what's wrong Peej, you jealous because I don't love you"

"You never love anyone, you just want them in your bed" PJ said angrily

"What if I did love him!?" Phil said getting surprisingly angry as the dinner hall started to get quiet as I started blushing

"You wouldn't! Because your just a fuck boy, that no one will love!" PJ screamed as it went dead silent

Phil's eyes filled with tears as he turned away and left and PJ stood up leaving the opposite way

"Wait PJ! Wait Phil!" I shouted

Neither of them listened

I chased after PJ who was sat underneath a willow tree

"Bit harsh weren't you? Made him cry a bit"

"You like him don't you" PJ said quietly

I didn't say anything

"He'll leave you Dan"

"I know but I like him"

PJ shook his head as we sat until the bell went

We headed to science as Phil was sat seeming normal joking along with his friends

"Right class! Get into pairs please!" Mr Major announced

Before I could even turn to PJ, Phil was right in front on me

"Wanna work together?"

I glanced at PJ who just tutted and nodded

"Sure" I said as Phil grinned sitting next to me

He acted really nice, not a fuck boy at all as we laughed and started our science project on plants

"Hey Dan do you wanna come over to mine later?"

"Yeah I'd like that" I said smiling

"Awesome" he said as the bell rang

The day passed quickly as I was pretty happy as I waited for Phil at his locker as Josh the school bully approached me

"Ooh Dan, flirting with the fuckboy" Josh said nastily

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