Chapter 15

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Gilbert sat down cross legged on roderichs bed, while Roderich snuggled under the blankets, his cup of tea in his hands.

"This one is from when west accidentally touched me with a hot pan while he was making cookies." Gilbert pointed to a large burn scar on his shoulder. Then his finger moved to his bicep, pointing at a few white marks. "These are from when wests dog bit me."

Gilbert went on and on, but Roderich wasn't really listening.

Roderich was admiring Gilbert's beautifully made body.

Well built muscle covered by a thin layer of porcelain skin, pulled tight every time he moved. The scars that covered his body weren't ugly like Gilbert insisted. They were beautiful marks that proved he was human.

Roderich was almost jealous.

"Hey, are you even listening?" Gilbert demanded.

Roderich just kind of blinked for a few seconds. "Y-yes. Go on."

"...Hmph. Anyway, this ones from when I fell out of a tree and landed on a rake. This ones from when vash stabbed me with a fork..."

Roderich once again found himself unable to listen, almost put in a trance by Gilbert. He wanted to touch him. He wanted to reach out and touch him, running his hands over his chest and his arms and back. He wanted to feel Gilbert's delicate human skin, his powerful muscles, his strong heartbeat.

No, no what was he thinking?

He took a sip of his tea, deciding it was probably a good idea to listen to Gilbert, as he was very curious on how he had gotten so many scars.

"This ones from when Elizaveta 'accidentally' cut me with a steak knife." He pointed to his shoulder blade, as he turned around so his back was facing Roderich. Then he turned around again, showing Roderich a white mark on his thumb. "And this is from when I was trying to help my dad cook and cut my thumb open. I had to get like six stitches. It was gross." Gilbert laced his fingers together, looking down at his lap. "That's it. That's all I got."

"That's still many more than me," Roderich murmured, lifting his shirt slightly. On his somewhat pudgy stomach there was a thin white scar. "That's from my appendix."

Gilbert chuckled. "You're so damn innocent."

"At least I didn't get my scar from falling on garden equipment."

Gilbert couldn't seem to stop laughing, and Roderich couldn't help but smile.

Roderichs phone seemed to sort of vibrate, and he quickly snatched it up, holding it close to his face, a look of dread forming once he saw the number.

"It's my father..."

Gilbert was finally able to stop laughing, panting slightly. "Well, you better answer it."

Roderich pursed his lips, considering letting it go to voicemail. Then he pressed talk, and then speakerphone, placing it on the bed in between the two of them. "Hello?"

"Roddy, my son. So glad you answered the phone." His voice was different, more serious, less playful.

"Please don't call me son. What would you like?" Roderich sighed.

"I... I have some good- well, I guess it's bad news for you. You might want to sit down."

"I am sitting, father."

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