Chapter 26

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Gilbert was starting to get tired. His feet were sore, his throat dry and his panting getting heavier. Even so, he managed to stay just out of reach of the three thugs, Ulz yelling insults.

He didn't dare look back. He knew exactly where he was going, and how to get there, so he focused on arriving safely and as soon as possible.

He turned into another alleyway, scaling a fence and jumping down into the other side, his ankles almost giving out from under him with the impact. Despite that, he continued running, bursting out into the street and running right towards it.

The bridge.

A large bridge going over a river just deep and fast enough to stop it from freezing over during the winter. It was about a 20 foot drop into the river if you jumped off that bridge. With the direction that the river was going, it would pull him downstream and into the nearby lake (still in the city) which just happened to be right next to where they had parked Mrs. Gamesters car, which was about a two minute walk away from Roderich.

It was a crazy plan, but if the conditions were perfect, it would work. Gilbert would just have to avoid dying on the way down to that lake.

He ran as fast as he could, his breathing heavy, his feet thudding against the concrete, up the bridge.

When he was in the very middle, he stopped and turned. Ulz had stopped too, standing about six meters away.

Gilbert stepped onto the railing, looking down at the raging waters.

If he jumped, there was only about a 50% chance he'd live to see another day.

"Do it." Ulz said, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I dare you. It's lot like you have anyone who'll miss you."

Gilbert stopped, looking up at Ulz.

"Don't you get it? You're not loved. Your father has given up on you. Roderichs only with you because you protect him. Ludwig has no choice, he's your brother. You're alone. Alone and fucking pathetic."

Gilbert said nothing. He turned to face the water, and for once in his life, the sweet release of death sounded like a good option.

"I feel bad for you." Gilbert murmured. "Being homophobic must really suck. So much hate, just because some guys like dicks and some girls like pussies. Homophobic is a messed up word. You aren't scared. You're just an ass with twisted a view of the world."

Ulz crossed his arms. "Could you jump already? I gotta get back and finish beating your fag boyfriend."

"Good luck finding him." Gilbert grinned.

He looked down at the icy cold waves and the churning water, what could be the cause of his death. And with an cold ball of fear in his stomach, he jumped.

The fall was nothing. It was fast, cold, and it stung. And then suddenly, he was floating and couldn't breath. He was being pulled around, his mind hazy and his lungs screaming. He flailed about until there was cold, hard, dry gravel, and he desperately clawed at it, pulling himself out of the frigid waters.

And then there was dirt and snow, and he was cold and numb. His senses sharpened, and he was laying on the gravel shore, panting heavily, water dripping down his nose and onto the ground in front of him.


He struggled to his wobbly feet, his heart beating fast in his ears. His breathing was ragged, the icy cold making his limbs stiff.


He started moving. It wasn't really jogging and it wasn't really running, but it was as fast as he could go with his mind hazy.

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