Chapter 63

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Roderich shoved as many medical supplies he could into a small pouch, while Gilbert was more focused on leaving things scattered around, putting his finger prints over everything he could.

Although Roderich wouldn't like it, he had a plan. And part of that plan would mean if they ever got found or caught, Roderich would not have to suffer in jail.

No. If they were caught, Roderich would be able to live his life as he had planned before hand. He'd told Gilbert what he wanted to do with his life at the beginning of the school year- he wanted to live in Austria again, with a wife and two beautiful children, working as a nurse at the closest hospital. His dream had only changed slightly since then- now Roderich just wanted to be able to settle down in a large house with Gilbert and a couple children in Austria, still working as a nurse, of course.

If they got caught, Roderich would not be able to have all of his dream- he'd still be able to live in Austria, in a large house, with two beautiful children, working as a nurse.

However, if they got caught, Roderich would not be able to settle down with Gilbert. Because Gilbert would be in jail.

They needed a story- or more, the press and the police needed a story. And that story would be that Gilbert Wilhelm Wolfgang Elizabeth Beilshmidt killed Adolph Edelstien, kidnapping the only witness (Roderich Edelstien) and stealing various valuables before attempting to outrun police.

Gilbert's plan was to make it look like he'd killed Adolph, make it look like he'd kidnapped Roderich.

And If Roderich tried to convince the judge that he was the one to kill his father and that he voluntarily went with Gilbert, Gilbert would just claim that Roderich had developed Stockholm syndrome.

Gilbert sprinted out to the shed, leaving his finger prints over everything he could and messing with random objects to throw off the police investigation. He picked up the hatchet, throwing it at the walls a couple times and cutting his hand to splatter red over random things and leaving bloody hand prints on the walls.

With his still bloody hand, he ran back into the house and grabbed all the valuable things that were visible, shoving them in a bag and leaving bloody finger prints on counters and such.

No matter how much he didn't want to do what he was doing, he had to. For Roderichs sake.

He almost ran into Roderich as he burst into their room, Roderich with a large suitcase in his arms and Gilbert with a bag of random objects of high value.

"You get the money, I'll pack." Gilbert whispered.

"Nonsense, come with me. I've packed for you."

"Really?" Gilbert raised an eyebrow, stepping into their room.

Roderichs bookcase had been knocked over, books scattered along the floor. The wallpaper was scratched severely where Roderich had dug his nails in and dragged them a few feet, the sheets on Roderichs bed messed up and the dresser drawers flung open, only a few shirts and pairs of socks left in them. Gilbird rested on Roderichs shoulder, while his cage was broken and laying on the floor in the middle of the room.

"You told me you wanted to make it look as though there was a struggle, yes?" Roderich asked, tilting his head slightly. "Why are you so quiet?"

Gilbert smiled slightly. "It's just... We're throwing everything away. We're literally running away, leaving the old world behind."

Roderich frowned slightly. "I want to go back to school and live a normal life."

"It's too bad we can't do that anymore."

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