Chapter Four (Revised)

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We've been in training for a week and my body ached. I could barely move my limbs I was so drained. I got myself out of bed wincing at the slightest movements. I headed for the small, wooden chest. In this chest I had two shirts, two pants, some casual clothes and something to sleep in.

    I wasn't allowed to take much from Colin's house. In your average trainee's trunk would be clothes and maybe a small personal belonging. I didn't have anything but a journal Colin had given me to help me vent my personal problems. Ever since my trauma I have had a hard time verbally and physically expressing my feelings. Colin told me that I tend to avoid the topic. I had never noticed the habit until he had pointed it out.

    Having a sudden wave of nostalgia hit me I took the journal and sat on my tiny white cot. I opened the leather journal to the front page and looked at the chicken scratch on the thin, off-white paper. There were a few smudges from the charcoal pencil likely coming from my hand back when I wrote in the hand-held journal. Squinting my eyes to read my horrible penmanship I started at the very beginning.

After I had woken up in that horrible dungeon and the pungent smell of a rotting body pierced through my nasal glands a group of three people came to my cell. I distinctly remember getting a surge of energy and I pushed my weak, mangled body off the soggy concrete floor. The sounds of men grunting bellowing down the halls further pushed my sudden hope. I was connected to shackles and the chains ran short of the bars. I stumbled to my feet scrambling to the barred, cell wall. I tripped falling face first into the hard concrete, scraping my knees and elbows in the process. Though I had far too much adrenaline flowing through my veins I ignored the oozing blood. I started crying out.

"Please! Help!" Immediately tears started pooling from my eyes. I have confidence in these people. I kept screaming until my throat ran hoarse. Even while it was dry I yelled for help until I finally heard silence. I shut my mouth, my lips chapped, jaw hurt, and vocal cords over-used. I heard a faint voice in the distance. I couldn't tell what the deep voice had commanded but I finally heard footsteps come into my direction.

I closed the journal. The event was a dramatic one, but super substantial. That was the day I met Levi, Farlan, and Isabel. My home, my family, my only friends. They took me into their home and nursed me back to health--as best as they could--supplies in the underground were far and few. Without them, I would be dead. I never fully understood as to why they left. Farlan and Levi were always serious and tended to be secretive, Isabel was very boisterous. It wasn't uncommon for either of the boys to yell at her and tell her to shut up.

    Time went on and there was a knock at the door. I snapped out of my nostalgic trance and called for the person to come in. I was quick to slam the personal notebook shut. That same annoying blonde girl made her way in.

"What do you want?" I said biting back an obvious groan. Ingrid always ignored my foul moods, always making her way into my life to check on me.

"I came to make sure you were alright. Usually you are up and eating breakfast already. Something up?" She asked, her tone always so sugary sweet. Sometimes it hurt my teeth. I narrowed my eyes, clothing the journal in my hand. As casually as possible I tossed the bundle of paper into the trunk.

"Nothing is up." I say irritation clearly in my voice. This girl never understood boundaries and was always annoying. I give a glare hoping she would catch the hint. Of course, the oblivious female didn't listen.

Ingrid hummed, suddenly deep in thought. Before I knew it she snatched my hand away from the journal and hoisted me up. I ripped my hand away from her and gave her a scowl. She took my hand once again and pulled me along.

"Let go!" I shout, struggling to get away from her grasp. For a small girl she held on like a vice.

"We are heading to the mess hall." She eagerly pulled me along. "You need to eat before we start training today. Can't have you starting a bad habit."

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