Chapter Sixteen

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No, it can't be!

Is that..

"Levi..?" I uttered out. The man brushed his shirt off and looked at me. His eyes suddenly widened.

"How the hell? How'd you get out?" I could tell he was shocked. "Surely they got you too! I thought they killed you!" He said. His voice was still harsh, but there was still emotion in it.

"What do you mean? I was left at home! Oh never returned! I was so close to death, but I got the money! Where were you, Farlan, and Isabel?!" I was so overcome with emotion my eyes started to cry. I looked into Levi's eyes I could tell there was a hint of sadness in them. I was slightly shocked.

"Speaking of which." I said whipping my tears away,"Where are they? What all happened l!? I'm so confused!"

"(Y/n), they died about a year ago." He quietly mumbled.

"W-what?" I gasped, holding my hand over my mouth and holding my breath. "No! They can't be! I swear it guys have only been gone for a year! Did I lose track of time? Oh no!" I was in complete shock. Two of my friends gone. Poof. No goodbyes. Just disappeared.

"What happened?" I wheezed.

"I was after Erwin. I wanted to kill him. We spilt, and they were...caught." I could tell he was distraught. We both were. Levi explained to me what happened. He told me that they were blackmailed into joining the Survey Crops and they took the chance. They had an expedition soon. They weren't ready and they died because of Levi's mistake.

I sighed. Trying to calm myself. I was to overwhelmed with sadness my side started to hurt. I grasped it, and sat down on the dust track. Levi stood still, almost like a stone when suddenly I bolted up.

"Shit!" I yelped. I looked at my side, and noticed that it reopened. Not horribly but it was bleeding as if I scrapped my knee. Levi looked at it and ignored it. I shrugged, and told him what happened to me. He coldly nodded and then I could sense the awkwardness between us.

"Well I best get going. Training starts soon."

"Whatever, twat." He responded coldly.

"Hey Levi," I said turning around before running the rest of my warmup,"Can we talk later? I've been so lonely and I'm just thankful to know your alive."

He nodded,"I won't be here for long, I'll be leaving in two days." He told me. I nodded and waved him goodbye. I felt his presence leave as he jogged the other way.

"Today we will be sparing." Shadis explained. One of you will have the wooden dagger, and the other either will have to try and take it. If the person with the dagger manages to get their opponent down, they win that round, and you switch and vise versa. Go and pick your partners."

I started to walk to Clair when I was tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and noticed the same blond chick from earlier. Her name is Kaylee and she is kind of bitchy.

"Can we spar?"she smiled cheekily. I nodded my head and went to grab the dagger I held it in my hand as we both go into positions. She started with trying to kick me. I dodged the attack and tried to pin her. I managed to trip her but she quickly stood. I then tried to kick her in the stomach. He grabbed my leg and twisted it. Shifting my weight I then managed to escape her grasp and pin her. I looked at her smiled, and stood up.

"Unfair!" She shouted.

"No, I'd say that's pretty fair. I beat you fair and square." I explained.

"But you used some random ass ninja move! I would call that unfair!"

"If you want take this and we can go at it again." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Levi, Shadis and another tall man. I listened to what they were saying.

"Yeah, there are quite a few of them who may already qualify to be in the MP already." Shadis said.

"Is that so?" The blond haired man asked.

Kaylee and I got ready to spar again. I watched as she and I moved slowly, we positioned ourselves while the three stoped to watch us. I waited to her to make the first move. But she didn't and so I did. I punched towards her and she went to attack my lower area. I narrowly avoided it by maneuvering myself under and around her. I again went for her attacking he lower body one again tripping her, and swooping her under so I could pin her.  I did just that.

"What?" She gasped completely blown away by the fact that I took her down with basically a snap of my fingers. As I stood up she went haywire. She quickly charged at me, and tackled me to the ground.

"Hey! Now that's cheating!" I say trying to break out of her grasp. Suddenly I slip out of her grasp, and pushed her away.

"You can't just do that!" I shout brushing the dirt and dust off my uniform.

"Fine! If you want to act that way I'll go find a new partner! Oh Thomas!" She waved her hand to him and ran over to him. I watch as Clair finished her match and walked over to me.

"Nice job! I couldn't help but watch you! Where'd you learn the moves?" She asked, "Or wait! Did you see the commanders watching your fight! All three of them!" She told me excitedly.

"It wasn't all three of them. Just Commander Shadis and Erwin. And then there's the other guy. Not sure who he is." I explain. In reality I do know who he is I just don't know what rank of soldier he is. He must be a high rank soldier, considering that he was right there next to the commanders. We made eye contact. I honestly couldn't look away. Then he looked away and continued to quietly pace next to them. Then Clair and I started to spar. She won one I won one. It was kind of a back and forth thing. Then we finished our day with 3dmg work. It was all brand new to us. And it came to a shock, too.

Shadis demonstrated how to put on the complicated machines. He then showed us how to hook ourselves and keep our balance. I slowly put mine on and walked to the two wooden poles. I hooked my grappling hooks onto them and it jerked me up. Instantly I fell forward and braces myself for the fall. I pushed my arms forward and they came in contact with the dirty ground. I felt them buckle underneath my weight and bend in an odd way. I let out a groan in pain because it contorted my body in an odd position.

I laid there for a moment, trying to comprehend what just happened. I listened as rushed footsteps approached me, and I was then lifted. I was suddenly overcome with a wave of dizziness. My vision hazed and then I regained sight.

"Holy hell (Y/n)! Are you okay?" Clair's voice echoed. The sound around me rang in my ears. I felt myself get detached, and hoisted on some's back. Again, my mind was all over. I didn't know my rights from my lefts, and I didn't know which way was up or down. Then, I think I finally blacked out.


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