Chapter Two

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I pulled myself out of thought, I wiggled around more, pulling on the leather straps.


I gasp, and quickly cover my mouth. Not wanting to draw any attention. I looked at my surroundings and noticed I was in a cell-like area. I was shocked, I wanted to leave this place, and hopefully unscathed. I could hear the loud taps of boots against the floor. Panic rose within me, I let out a panicked sigh, my hand blocking sound from being heard. The cell was fairly dark, light only on the table I was laying on. I snuck in a corner, pulling a box that was in the cell in front of me, pulling another on a side that was visible. I was completely covered.

"Oh young one!" Slurred the man. "Shit! Where is she? That little whore." He cursed upon realizing my disappearance.

"What's wrong man." Another man peeked in, looking st him curiously.

"That (H/C) bitch is missing!"

"Shit seriously?"

I then heard a scream and a powerful laugh. The scream was high pitched and blood curdling. "Sissy! Help! Please!" Pleaded the person. I gasped, tears welling up in my eyes. That was my sister. She was in trouble I needed to save her! I wanted to yell out to help her but I was trapped in a spot, men were in my room, and if I left my hiding spot, I'd be dead.

"(Y/-)!" Alana screamed, being cut off. A wet substance left my eyes, and I covered my lips, trying to prevent from any sound from coming out. I could hear the sound of my sister choking. The gagging sound. The sound came to an abrupt stop. I know for sure she's dead, or unconscious.

"God dammit? What else could go wrong. Get the hell out! Leave!" Shouted a man.

"I'd rather not. There's a lot of screaming coming from here. Do you want the MP to come down here?"

"Well I'd at least I'd be appreciate ground." The man remarks.

"They'd exicute you if they found out what you were doIn now." The anonymous voice bluntly stated. I suddenly, hear a fronting sound, and a loud bump. I held my mouth tighter, trying to not make a peep.

"Tch, discussing," someone sighed. "Isabel! Farland! Let's go." The voice called.

"I thought you heard screaming, we should probs look around, bro." A feminine voice echoed.

"Yeah, Levi, we should look around. If there is someone here, these people are just knocked out, they could continue what ever else is going on." A more soother voice said.

"Whatever, you can look."

"Thanks Levi bro!"

I uneasy feeling slowly vanishes. I let out a cry, sobbing my life out. I was tariffied. I didn't know what to do. I had a good feeling I was safe right now but I probably shouldn't be crying aloud. These people could be bad, too, I really don't know.

"Hello, there!" A girl with bright green eyes, brownish-red hair tired into two pig tails. I wiped away my tears not saying anything. "Shy? Or scared. But you probably need help. Ey! Levi, bro! I found something." She calls out, pulling the boxes away from my body. "Hey, what's your name. Mines Isebel Magnolia."

"I–" I choked out. A short man walked in, he had black hair, styled in a under shave.

"What you find?" Stepped In the man, looking around.

Isabel stood up, looking up at the man,"A little girl, see?" She pointed to me, I was still quite, and didn't want to say a word.

"Do you know her name?" He asked.

"No." Isabel looked down. I mustered up my voice, it was dry, and it hurt.

"(Y-y/n) Dok." I trailed off, another person stepped in. He had dirty blonde hair, and nothing to special with his hair. The trio gasped, isebel turned around.

"What? Can you please repeat that?" The blonde guy asked.

"(Y/n) Dok." I swallow, inhaling.

"Are you by any chance related to...Nile Dok?" Isebel asked, fear filling her eyes.

"H-he' dad..." I answer. Both Isebel and the blonde gasped, another scoffed,"Tch."

Isebel pulled the boys in a group and started whispering. I could make of some of the onversation out.

"No Isebel, her father could find her and get us taken away if she's with us."

"We have no money to get her back up there, we are also in wall Maria! I'm sure she lives somewhere in Wall Cina because of her money her father possesses. I say no."

"Please?! She's so cute! We can just like change her clothes! And cut her hair or something!" Pleaded Isebel.

"Isebel, do you understand anything Levi is saying?" The blonde piped.

"Yes, but how often has Nile actually came down here? Once! Only once, he usually sends his weakling people." Isabel, remarked.

"Tch, fine whatever." Levi gave in, sighing.

"Yippee! Thanks Farlan, and Levi!" Isebel cheered.

"(Y/n)? I know you are scared, and confused, but your underground, you can't go up unless you have money. Everyone down here doesn't have much money, no jobs, or anything. So would you like to Stay with us? We have a residence, and some food." She smiled, her green eyes sparkling.

Pondering the question, and looking at my options I tried comprehending the situation. I couldn't go back up, without money, and these people don't have money. Isabel looks to be maybe 14, around my age. I'm only 11 so not entirely far off. The other two are what threw me off. They were probably 15 or 16, quite possibly 17?

"Um—" I stuttered.

"Sure." I say, kind of regretting my answer. In my situation I could manage myself probably, but, I am it has it flaws down here.

"(Y/A)! I had such a crazy day." My father plops down next to me. I ignore and continue reading, asking in a monotones voice,"what happened?"

"These underground bandits, they are crazy, they are a trio." I know I'm home very late, and I had to leave very early today, it was because of those people. I am sorry about not being able to bring you to the meadow, your mother told me you were very upset with me. And being that's she's pregnant there is no way she could have brought you." He apologized.

"Your always busy, and never have time for me!" I shout, "Your always caught up with work, and every time we plan on doing something you have go to work, work work. That all it is! Work, work, work, work!" Tears brim my eyes. He gives me a fatherly hug.

"Aw–(Y/n) I'm so sorry. I know you love to spend time with me, but your being protected right now, what your father is doing is protecting you, and humanity. I know it's hard on you but, it's important." He explains, as I cry in his arms.

"Look at me." He says. I look up sniffling. He wipes away the stray tears on my face. "Stop crying and know that I'm always here no matter what. " I look up ad smile, "okay." I scramble out of his arms, and grab my book.

"Your not busy now, are you?" I ask .

"Not at all. Why scrub?" I laughed at the nickname, I pulled open the book and started reading a story about a girl and her sheep.

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