Chapter Twenty One

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I woke up, rested on a table. I was covered in dirt, and dust, and I have random ass tear track that are riddeled with dirt from the table. I sighed, and the events of yesterday calm flooding into my memory. I visably flinched, only hoping I dreamed it. Today would be the day we would become offical soldiers, and we would assign outselves to our regiments. 

"(Y/n)? Are you here?" Clair's voice echoed. I sat up slowly and turned to her. She looked worried, and questionable. "Are y-you okay?"

I forrowed my eyebrows at her, "Do I look okay? No! I don't feel okay! I feel lost, and broken! I am not okay!" I snapped at her, grinding my teeth together. I watched her as she flinched at me. She fixed herself up, and sighed. 

"(N/n), I know you are upset, but please don't yell at me. Anyways, it's three o'clock in the morning, and I woke up to come get you ready because we have actual duties to fufill today. So please get yourself together. You can join the Garrison, please don't get yourself into a knot. You can come out. You are fully capable of doing so!" Clair says sternly, with a hint of inspiration.

"If you really want to, I will come with you. I'll drop being a MP and join in the Garrison!" I stay quite. I get up and trudge to our barrack and pick out a towel to bring to dry myself off when I finish showering. 

"Hopefully  this shower will calm me down."

After getting out of the shower, I head to the training ground were we will be assigned our first offical duty as a soldier. Ignore his orders to most of the people Sadies assigned me to a group of patroling doors to the walls. I was given the dirstrict of Trost, and Clair was to join me. I grudgingly nodded at him. I felt an elbow jab into my side. I hiss at the person to see a random cadet behind me. I glared at them as they just smirked. 

"What?" I snap. 

"Well, I wanted to ask why you didn't make it in the top ten?" He asked, rubbing his neck shyly.

"That's none of you business." I bark at him, "Go away. Go do what ever you have  to do." I watched as he stummbled backwards as I pushed him away. He stared back at me, and then a group of rookies. I noticed the group of trainees were laughing. I snapped my head to them and glared.

"Do you have a problem? Because I didn't make it into the goddamn top ten? What!  I tried okay." Clair stummbled over to me, and pulled me away from it before I caused more of a scene. She harshly pulled me away to gather out supplies, and get out ODM gears mounted on. 

I pulled my hand away from her grasp and stared at her with a harsh look. "I was in the middle of something!" 

"You are not thinking stright." She said suddenly, "Snap out of it! Where did the confident, kind girl go that I met only a few years ago? Where did she go?"

"She's gone!" I hiss bitterly, and storm away from the area headed for the Trost disrict. I shot my ODM's hooks in the wall, to quickly get there. I was on the top of the wall, and I could see wall Maria, and beyond that. I stared in awe. I spoted some titan in the distance, and watched as as few birds flew passed me. Focausing back to my duty I quickly made my way to the door, jumping down, and latching onto the wall. I turned my body to face the city below me and jumped the roof of someone's house. I then jogged my way to the dor to see my squad with some Garrison soldiers. 

"Ah, we have another rookie!" Shouted a man.

"Yeah, and?" I sassed to them. They appeared to be drunk, their faces were rosey, and their words were slurred. I scoffed at one of the men, and drew my blade. "Back off." I snap.

"Moody are you?" He laughed. Well, I'll let you focus on your duties and shit." I listened to his friends cackle behind me, and I stood gaurd close to the door. I then noticed Clair was conversin with the men. Messing around, and getting to know he potential recruits. I wanted so badly to yell at all of them to get their asses to work, but I would only be laughed at. 

I Ignored them.

"Your friend over there sure is stuck up. Does she have a stick up her ass?" A man pointed, howling loudly.

"Probably." Smiled Clair, as she turned her head laughing. I Ignored her, as I crossed my arms and stared infront of me. Only two more agonizing hours and this shit will be done.


"Finally! The time has come! We get to choose our military branches."   I say to myself, walking from the barracks. I walked to the training ground, looking up at the sky as the sun set. I stoped in stood in line, next to Clair. She seemed mad at me, but not to much ot walk away. She was mature about it and I give her props. 

"Good evening, Soldiers!" A tall man, I've come to recognize as Erwin Smith, Commander of the Scouting Corp. He spock boldly, "I am Erwin Smith, Commandar of the Survay Corp. I'm sure as many of you know we go outside of the walls and risk our lives for the imrpovment of humanity. We don't just die. We try to help humanity step forward. We go outside of the walls, and try to gain information about the titan's and thier existance. Our job is hard, our job is rewarding, however I cannot garentee you completly protect you from the titan's. If you don't feel you can handle this, then please leave now." He said. 

I darted my eyes around, noticing many of my classmates walking away. I stood in fear, trying to force myself to move my feet. I couldn't I would not move. I watched as Clair looked at me, longingly as she walked away, saddness in her eyes. There were other soldiers looking at me with shock, and giving me questioning looks. I was frozen in fear. 

"Move dammit! Get going! Why won't I  leave! I don't want to die! These people are crazy! Help!"   I mindlessly say, I'm disapointed with myself. Before I could leave, Erwin Interrupted.

"Today, you have given your hearts to humanity. You bravary, and you sacrifices will help humanity take it's first steps to victory. Now, if you fully give you heart to humainity give it a salute!"

I harshly clasped my hands into a ball and placed them; one behind my back, and one on my chest.  "Humanity will forever be in your favor, with out great efforts, we will thank you!" 

We were dissmissed. The look on the very few people's faces were fearful. They were struggling to understand what happened. As was I. "Did I do that? Did I seriously just do that!? How could I stay! I should've went with Clair! Oh my goodness! I am doomed! I'm dead! DEAD!"

I was distraught, shocked, and unknown to my future. I would probably die, it's likely. And then the painful face of Clair. She gave me the worst look of all, it felt as if I lost a friend. I basically did. Although, I hope she does whats best for her. I hope she joins the marry life in wall Cina. 

"Please be safe everyone." I say quitely. As I enter my room. This would be my last night, and tomarrow would be packing and traveling to the headquarters of the Survay Corp. I felt a wave a disapointment wash over me. It was obsered! Did I seriously devote my life to humanity? 

"Yes, Yes I did."

OOOOH LOOK AT THAT! ANOTHER CHAPTER! I am actually starting to keep notes about what to write next so chapters should be coming out soon! Anyways thanks for reading!

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