Chapter Seventeen

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"You took quite a fall." The nurse explained, "I beleive you have a concussion. So you won't be practincing for a week." She continued, expaining what a concussion was, and all this information I didn't really care for.

"So wait...I can't exsersize, or train for how long?" I asked, still completely blown away from the situation. I have been working so hard, and I need to acheive my dreams! 

"You also need to rest, eat, sleep, and drink water regularly to speed up the healing process." She told me. I sighed, frustratedly waming my head into the pillow. She kindly told me to not do that as my head is easily at risk or something like that. I was upset, I also had to sit in the dark because of my stupid ass head. 

"I'll leave you be, I'd recommend you get some rest, you seem exhausted. Unexpectedly Levi stepped in. I didn't pay much mind to it, I figured he was only stopping in to see how I was doing. 

"Hello." I said, sitting up slowly. I pulled the covers up trying to keep myself warm because it was starting to get really cold. Well, winter IS on it's way. "Why are you here?" I ask.

"Came to check on you. I heard that you hurt yourself and I wanted to ensure you didn't seriously damage yourself." Levi answered, his voice was stone cold. It didn't bother me because he has always been his blunt, and cold self but it was weird knowing he was here, but I enjoyed his company. I still morned the loss of my sister, Farlan, and Isabel. Everything just dawned on me all too fast. Instently I felt a wave of akwardness, there was no Isabel to make things all fun and giddy and no Farlan to also make this happy and fun. Levi and I got to know eachother, yes but he never opened up with anyone. I hoped that maybe the death of our friends would bring our friendship closer, I hoped that he would open up to me.

"So how you been lately? I mean with all the stuff that happend what's it like to be a soldier?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Well, it's different then being a thug thats for sure. But I think it's for the best. Living in the underground has been apsolute shit, and everyone had to fend for themselves. But if you are talking about Farlan and Isebel; everything happened so quickly. I figured I could just go kill Erwin, and maybe escape this bullshit. But then that plan backfired and I was left with no friends. I couldn't go back, and I couldn't just quite. I defineitly thought of you, all of us did. We all came to the conclusion of you being dead. We figured that you wouldn't be able to make it out alive because of the harsh rules everyone seems to play down there, but here you are! Alive and well, quite a shocker." 

"Honestly, I damn near came to death a couple times. I mean I told you about the crazy pregnant woman, but I figured I woud've bled to death eventually. I hate to say it but I wish it did sometimes. That's not important. Anyways, I noticed you were hanging with Erwin? First of all, don't you hate him? And second..what rank of soldier are you?"

Levi closed his eyes, and rested his body on the wall. He crossed his arms and sighed. "To answer your question with Erwin we are on better terms. We are just professional partners nothing more nothing less. Then my rank has been updated to Corporal. Basically second in command." He explained. I nodded, still wanting to get to know about everything. I was curious and I was just spellbound! I still couldn't beleieve he was alive, and standing right infront of me. 

A L I V E. . . 

It was just crazy. I could tell he was shocked to see me here too.

"Why did you join the militay?" Levi blunty asked, "I know you did it to see your family but didn't you say they weren't always there for you because they were busy?" 

"Uh, I never planned on getting kidnapped. Thats one thing, but before that I wanted to something else, I didn't have my future set to become a soldier of the MP. Although with my parent's brand new focus on my sister, I wanted their attention. I wanted them to know I still existed, I wanted them to be proud! I wanted to be the star. An so when I made the desision to follow their legacy they noticed that. My father started to explain as much as he could without giving away the things that could get him introuble. I knew that the life wasn't easy, and I mean no one's is but I only did it to get their attention. Yes, I loved my Father. Yes, I loved my mother. Yes I loved my sister, but when you are the forgotten child, you will do what ever you can do to let them know you are there." I said quietly, layin down again.

"I see what you're saying." He replied. 

"I still can't beleieve I found you." I mummbled. 

"What was that, brat?" He asked with a slight harsh tone, "You were mumbling."

"Nothing important." I say.

I hear him sigh, he must be bored or something I almost feel bad, but hanging with his fills an empty void in my heart. No, I'm not saying I love him, but with him being here. Right infront of me I feel happy. I don't feel invisable! Quietly I ask,"Levi? Do you miss them?"

I could tell I caught him off gaurd, I watched as his eyes shot open. In his eyes there was an evident sarrow. "I do." He mumbled, "But I don't regret it." 

I was slightly confused. Wait. did he just say, I don't regret it?  Why wouldn't he? Those were his friends! They died! I was bewildered by this statement. I signed, "What? You don't?" 

"Erwin told me not to," He said,"Isebel and Farlan told me to beleive in them and so I did. But, as much as I wanted to kill Erwin he knew of our plans all from the start."

"Don't. You'll regret it." Ewrin spoke, "If you begin to regret, you'll dull your future decisions and let other make your choices for you. All that's left for you then is to die. Nobody can foretell the outcome. Each decision you make hold meaning only by affecting your next decision."  Levi quoted. The words he spoke were so true, meaningful even!

"And so it became a choice I made with no regrets. I don't understand, and I've never understood. I beleived in my own stregnths, and my trusted friends, but in end I choose to follow Erwin Smith. I will never regret that decision for as longs as I live. No never." 

His words were inspiring, yes most certainly. I was shocked though. With all this processing my head felt like it was going to explode. I noticed that Levi seemed extremely tired. I wondered why, but my head hurt so much I had to stay quite, and rest. 

"I miss them too." I whisper, as I finally went to sleep.

(AHHHHHH SECOND UPDATE BITCHES! AND MORE LEVI ACTION~ OOOOOOOOO Okay, I hope you enjoyed. thanks for reading!)

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