Chapter Three

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I walked in there residence. The small house looked to have two bedrooms at the most, a kitchen, a living room connected to it, and a small bathroom. 

"Welcome home! (Y/n)!" Isabel jumped up and down, "I'll show you around!" She pulled my arm. I remained silent, she pulled me to one of the rooms. It had a few yellowed papers with drawings on it. One a bird, and another a flower, that I couldn't identify.

There was a one bed frame that was cornered in the side. It was very big, maybe measuring up to maybe a king sized bed. Maybe it was a queen size, either way it could fit the both of us.

"You can sleep here with me if you want, if not I could sleep on the floor, and if you really wanted to the opposite! But then I'd fell bad." She let or an airy laugh. I looked down. I shook my head up and down, signaling a yes.

"Don't talk, much? Is it–" She was cut off by the blonde stepping in.

"It's probably not best to say that to someone who's suffering a loss." The blonde barged.  Isabel stepped close to me, and whispered to me,"That's Farlan, and the other one is Levi." She pointed.  I blinked and Farlan continued,"Well Levi said he's going out to get food. He asked me to tag along with him, just so you to know," he told.  Isabel nodded. I slowly shook my head. He stepped his was to the door, join Levi. I saw that they had metal things on their legs. They looked like something my dad used.

"Hey (Y/N), can I ask what's bothers you, you haven't talked much. " She expressed. I sighed feeling a limp slowly form in my throat.

"M-my." I tried talking but felt my throat ache. Tears stream from my eyes.

"Oh! (Y/N) don't cry!" She pulled me in and squeezed me. I cried  in her shoulder. She hushed me. I attempted to calm myself down. I pulled away an wiped away tears.

"Sorry..." I looked down trying to flush away the memories of my past life.  From here in out, I'll set my past aside. I sniffed and breathed in, a new life. A new start. 

"Hey (Y/N), you wanna look at some of my drawings? Or maybe draw with me?" 

"Sure." She walked over to the corner of the small room, and grabs a few charcoal pencils. She gave me a small stack of paper.

She started sketching away, drawing lines and squiggles. I couldn't take my eyes off her paper. Watching as she started on her main drawing. She stopped, and dropped the pencil.

"Done!" She chirped. I hear the door swing open. Two people stomp their way in and slam the door shut.

"God dammit! So close with more food." Complained a deep voice.

"Yeah, that's unfortunate. Though. A loaf of bread and some and some vegetables. Maybe, we should make some sort of soup, I'm not sure if you, Isabel, or (Y/N) nows any recipes, but it's been a while since we've actually gotta real food other then bread. I know Isabel will be happy. " Farlan told Levi, as he set down the food. 

Isabel jumped up, running out of the room. I glanced down at her drawing, she was drawing a dove with a broken wing. I wondered why she drew a bird with a broken wing, but I went along with it.

"(Y/N)! Come here!" Isabel called. I stepped out of the room, slowly making my body walk forward. I felt my heart quicken, and I felt nervous.  I'm not sure why really, but I held it in.  I walk to the kitchen, and walk to the group of people.  "Y-yeah...?" I felt my hands tremble.

"We have some clothes for you, you have to change so your not treated differently, we are trying to not cause any problems.  Well, unless we seriously have to." Levi handed me some super clean rags. They smelt as if they have been  cleaned three times without being worn once. The smell gave me a tiny headache. Ignoring the strong smell array of smells clouding the room.  "Thanks."  I tilted my head slightly. Walking out of the kitchen, I heard the trio talking about me, then changing the subject to cooking.

I pulled up the maroon colored skirt, and then pulled my white button up shirt.  I folded the collar down, and left one button open, just so it wasn't choking me in the future.

I looked down and saw a pare of pants, I figured it was for a bit of outfit variation. Opening the door to reveal the trio cooking, what I assumed was soup. It smelt divine and probably tasted delicious.  It's been a while since I've last had soup, and my mother's cooking was no more.

"(Y/n)! Come help me set the table."  Isabel shouted. Mentally noodling my head, I walked forward and took the stack of randomly colored plates. Some red, some blue and white, and one even a skin color. There was a small set of tea cups, all of them a plane old pearl white. I set out the silvery utensils. The fork of in side and then the spoon on the other. A loud clank of a pot being set to the side. I hear a small click and a the burner was turned off.

"Oh, (Y/n)!  Didn't know you knew how to properly set a table." Squawked Isabel, as she placed her hands on her hips, shifting her weight.

"Well, It was my job. A chore." I quietly answered. I griped my wrist and looked down. A memory washed over my endless abyss of thoughts. Inhaling softly I discarded the memory in my mind. I wasn't in the mood, not now. I felt a hand be placed on my shoulder. I turned around, and looked up. Farlan was very tall for his age. He had to be at lest five foot six. I'm not sure.

"Excuse me, trying to pass through here." He smiled. Nodding I stepped aside.

Dinner went by quick and in no time, I was tired enough and fell asleep on the floor. Someone must have brought me into the small room because well, I'm awake now. I was on a bed, and from what I'm assuming Isabel behind me. I slowly crawl out of the bed. I slowly creep around the house.

I walk into the kitchen and l slowly walk into a small hallway. It wasn't shown on the house tour. Maybe she forgot? Pondering more about the door ahead of me I saw myself subconsciously reaching out to the door and pull it open. Curiosity got the best of me. An squeak lashed through the room. I let out a gasp and stepped back covering my mouth in shock. In front of me  were three 3Dmg the things my father would use. Did they have them too? Where they apart of the MP's? Where they apart of the Survey Corps? The Garrison's? Maybe there is hope to get home! I beamed in joy, hopping around as quietly as possible. Suddenly I heard a slam of a door as if it were pushed open. I jumped and closed the door quietly. I scurried around trying to look for a hiding spot. Who ever could be there can seriously get me in huge trouble. I open up the door and hide in a small wedged area.

"Whet the hell what that damn noise?" A groggy low voice slurred. "Who ever the hell is in here. Or even a goddamn house I'll beat you into pulp. " muttered the voice.

I sheepishly stepped out of the closet. I started quivering in my spot.  "L-le-vi, I-I'm s-sorry. I-I got curious."  Obviously scared shitless, I clearly showed it.

"I don't care, brat.  Get your ass to bed."

"O-okay." I quickly rushed my way back into my room.

"(Y/n), don't tell anyone about the things in the closet. It would cause trouble. Don't speak of it." Levi told me. I nodded in response and went to bed.

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