Chapter Forty-Three

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The window was open and a cool breeze crept through the small hole present. The sun's razor sharp beams shun through the parted curtains. I stirred in my sleep, a small ring of pain shooting through my frail body. The room was cold, it had the scent of a cool spring morning. The bed had a lingering scent of Levi, the smell of a citrus and lavender on the sheets. Only one thing missing. The heat of a human. A small shiver shot up my spine, encouraging me to get up. 

I let out a grunt not ready for what the day had to bring. It was going to be busy, and without Levi here to support me it was going to be a struggle. He had been my eyes as of late and now that we have started a relationship he was always there, becoming my human crutches. It was odd to wake up without him. Although with the past month and the preparations of a capture of the female titan was not an easy process. It took time to plan out each individual scenario in one's head. It was a worrisome task.

Slowly, I rolled up into a sitting position. Stretching my limps to their maximum flexibility. I had been really stiff lately too. It had to be something with my condition and he lack of exercising and stretching. Without a doubt that would be kicking my ass. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, clearing them of the crust that had built up over the long night's slumber. I peered around the room looking for a note on what today's agenda. Levi was always so kind to write me something on days where he had to get up earlier. Though, today it seemed he didn't have the time. A small padding of my heart took it's tole. I let out a sign forcing myself off the bed. I used the bed to support myself as a strong pain darted through my entire body.

I let out a sharp gasp using my other arm to clasp around the rib. On day when Levi was gone this was normal. It's not something new I was experiencing. Even when he was here I would deal the same pain. Today was just a little bit rougher. I must've slept harder then normal. I staggered over to the dresser grabbing an outfit. It was a white shirt; one of Levi's and a long gray skirt paired with it. I leaned on the wall struggling to make it to the bathroom. That's when a knock at the door. It surprised me but I silently said a prayer. 

"Please come in." I heave out clutching my ribs tightly. The door flung open, reviling a brown hair boy. Eren Jaeger. He turned his green eye to me noticing the weird position I was in, and quickly padded over to me to help me out of my painful situation. He carefully took my arms slinging it over his neck. He was really tall so I was painfully tilted upward. I hissed and he was quick to apologize bringing my arm down around his waist. He walked me to the bed, carefully placing me down.  I pressed my lips together now slightly frustrated. 

"I needed to go the bathroom." I mutter. "Anyways, I'm not going to be angry so no need to apologize you helped me out. What brings you here?" I placed my wrinkled clothes on my lap, sloppily folding the clothe. 

"Levi sent me to get you. Apparently, both Hange and Erwin have requested for you. I'm not sure about the reasons but he was busy with...something. I'm unsure. I'm sure it's something training related. Anyways, do you want me to help you to the bathroom?" Eren said twiddling his thumbs and awkwardly standing there. I laughed at him. 

"No need to be so scared. I don't bite. Hard that is." I teased smirking at him. I laughed clutching my rib for support. "But yes, I would gladly like help to the bathroom. There is a chair in the set me there and I'll do the rest." I say. 

Eren nodded his head walking over and helping me.


"Hange? I wheezed out opening the door. It creaked as it opened. Eren helped me hobble inside Hange's lab. "You had called for me?" I asked, I tilted my head. The brunet woman turned to look at me. Hange's glasses shaded over as she turned her attention to me. She smiled placing the two glass test tubes down after mixing them. The substance turned a nasty orange into a amethyst purple. I stared at the beaker for a moment directing my eyes back at the crazy woman. 

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