Chapter Fourty

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My body was fully awake, I was able to fully hear, and see the situation. I wasn't able to move my numb body. Have I completely paralyzed myself? My mind was flooded with dreadful thoughts as I tried struggling up to my feet but with every movement the more numbness clouted my veins. Rolled over onto my stomach tears flooded my eyes. I started pounding my fists on the bark of the tree. "I'm not ready to die! This isn't fair! Where the hell are you? Where is my guardian angel?" My voice started to dull down, as breathing was getting hard from the solid rock forming in my throat. 

A inhumanly roar was heard and then a loud thud came behind. A flash of light could be seen in my preferable vision.  This is it. I struggled to pull myself up off of the branch. But my body ached. I could see numerous bruises starting to form a deep dark purple and blue. I finally managed to shift myself upwards crouched onto my feet. I looked up for a short moment watching a large fleshy mass fly at me. My (eye color) orbs widened and I could here only my heart beating in those short moments. The female titan's body came hurdling at me and I had no mote of escape the body collided with the tree trunk only eight meters below me. My heart stopped as the entire tree shook. I was slightly flung out of place. Barely managing to hold onto the branch without falling. I felt my entire body weaken. I took in a sharp breath before hoisting myself up and laying flat on the branch watching Eren's mighty Titan breath an eerie hissing breath. He had his fists balled up to protect his face.

Could this so possibly be the end? I thought. Most certainly I would be left behind. My eyes refused to be pulled away from the terrifying scene occurring below.  His gut wrenching growls as he tried to punch the dodging opponent. Eventually he managed to hit her square in the jaw. I could see the sheer dread the female titan had been in. While quickly stumbling to her feet and sprinting in the opposite direction. 

In the distance I could hear the yell of Eren's Titan.  My heart throbbed in pure fear and anxiety. Then the light drone of stomping feet of titans below was heard. Just a head I would see the varying heights of the titans. I had locked eyes with a titan. His hair was long, and his face contorted in a creepy smile, the titan had a large stomach and walked slowly. I drew in a sharp breath knowing that it had started his direction in mine.  But close by I could hear the sound of the ODM zooming past. I pushed myself up looking around. I was overwhelmed with fear, sadness, and anger.  A flash of raven hair darted past, eyes hung low and a shadow casted over the persons pale face. 

"Help..!" I barely managed to breath out.
Because of my shallow breathing I was struggling to make words yet alone muster up the strength to yell. The titan stood there, only about seven meters away now, and I was left alone. I started to struggle more panic and fear ringing in my ears. I desperately tried to get up to get my gear working but I couldn't. I was slowly fading I could feel it. I slammed my hands on the bark some more starting to draw blood. I thought that doing this would prevent myself from passing out. 

"I see one over here! Get those titans, and gather the rest of the bodies! I'll get this one!" The 'sheering' like sound was close by. A few moments later the collision one boots and wood could be heard.  My hand pounding had stopped when suddenly the titan approaching me body fell completely limp. My eyes widened and a small bit of hope had sparked in me. A small thump could be heard as boots came in contact with the tree.

"Damn the entire squad must've been wiped out." The man cringed. There was blood laid around me, and caked on my face. The trickle of blood only falling from my head, lip, and from the many scratches I had gotten from the tree's harsh bark. But my condition was no where near the others.

"Hm, must've been hit against the tree, assuming blood loss?" The man had muttered when approaching me. My eyes flickered as I tried to choke out some words. The man had finally reached my head. He kneeled next to me and when he did he was shocked. "Shit, your still alive.." He muttered. His actions where swift. He quickly took my dented gear off dropping is, and taking spare supplies for his own.

"Cadet Dok, I need you to listen closely, we are going to get you back safely. I need you to hold on tight, and focus on keeping your eyes open. Do not close them." His voice was almost blurry sounding to me. I tried my hardest to listen to it though. My eyes watched as the sweat dripped from the soldier. 

My breathing became staggered now, I felt like throwing up and I had a pounding headache. I coughed slightly gasping at the pained feeling lurking within my body. My vision started to fade once again and this time I didn't try to fight it despite what the soldier had instructed me to do.


I had woken up to a the pitter of hoof beats. Out of instinct I quickly sat up and looked around almost curiously. We were headed back, there were many supply carts filed with white sheets that covered bodies. I was shocked to see the amount of injured people. I sat back down, looking next to me seeing white sheets coving bodies. I slightly draw back upon noticing this. I shook my head out of pity. 

Everything seemed peaceful. Other then the fact that there were dead bodies and plenty of injured soldiers surrounding me. 

"Hey, how are you doing?" A female, who had been sitting next me had asked. I turn my head finally noticing her. her hair was matted, and she was clearly blood stained; similar to myself. She had bright green eyes and red hair. I blinked for a moment wining slightly as I shifted around to settle myself comfortably.

"I'm good, who are you..?" I asked not, even bothering to ask if she was okay. 

"I'm Mary, graduated in your class. I've heard a lot about you (Y/n) Dok." She smiled. I smiled back at her almost bashfully. 

"You look really beaten up, what happened?" She asked. I froze for a moment, trying to recall the situation. 

"I was thrown against the tree when trying to attack the female titan." I explain, with a somewhat harsh tone. The pounding headache has seemed to return and I wasn't going to tolerate much at this moment. 

"You saw the female titan? I was one of the lucky ones who didn't, though I heard she was very intelligent. Apparently after Levi's squad died Eren went on a rampage and attempted to kill her. Though she managed to capture him instead. Captain Levi and  Cadet Mikasa Ackerman had saved him and fled the scene." She explained, holding her arm close to her. That's when I noticed it, she was missing her lower arm. 

"Jesus," I say looking at her arm, it was wrapped up but the bandages were soaked in blood. "What happened to you?" 

"I trying to save some people, I failed and they died." She had no emotion traced in her voice. I didn't bother to reply to her. She seemed to be upset, or maybe even confused over the fact. Either way I wasn't going to get in further the situation. I turned my head around and saw a few horses, supply carts and some titans chasing after them. They were getting really close to the supply carts. I watched as the titans stomped after the mass of people. 

"Sir they're gaining up on us!" A person shouted. I darted my eyes toward the sound trying to listen for instructions. 

"Toss 'em! Toss the bodies." And when instructed I did exactly that. I struggled to my feet, attempting to lift the heavy body and push it off of the edge. I watched as the limp body stumbled off. A morbid facial expression was plastered on my face. I turned my face away, wincing at the pain in my back. I groaned in pain but continued to crawl over to the pile of bodies. I pushed more off, feeling the horses pick up speed. There was one more, and I managed to push it off with the help of Mary. 

I turned to her and smiled. "You didn't have to do that, you are really hurt." I muttered.

"So are you, that's why we are both here." She smiled back, giving a sympathetic look. I coughed slightly and crawled up to the end of the supply cart resting my back on the little wall. I let out an unsteady sigh. 

"Wonder how many people we lost this time." I say to myself while staring at my bloodied hands. I slouched slightly, enjoying the peaceful wind, and the smell of wild flowers filling my nostrils. In this moment I didn't want to move, and I didn't feel like doing anything but enjoying the peace in this moment. 

Howdy, sorry for not posting, lowkey got lazy and then I was hit with finals week. I'm hoping on posting more. Also, I didn't correct this because It's late and I'm tied. SO please do excuse the mistakes because I personally feel there are a lot on this chapter. Anyways thanks for reading. 

(on the dl, I might add more to this chapter later...)

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