Chapter Thirty-two

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Before we start this chapter I want to apologize about something. I an going though some really bad writers block, and I have no idea where to go in the next few chapters. As I said before I wanted build up for my story to start following the main story line. WHEN IT DOES, I will tell you I don't think I will be so infrequent with updating because I will know where it is going. Also, I want to talk to you guys. So another reason  I haven't updated because I literally lost interest. Now, there is a reason for this. I have been getting really bad anxiety / panic attacks recently and I've never had one. I don't even know if it IS one. Anyways it has made me just super unhappy and stuff. Although right now I am forcing myself to write. SO enough about me, sorry and LETS COMMENCE!

Helping my parent's prepare the food and placing it neatly in the basket. I would clean while my parents peacefully packed the food. I figured that helping my mother clean the house would be a treat after I disappeared. Every time I would turn around to seem my parent's I would notice that they look withered, almost dead.It seemed that they had no life in their eyes, especially my mother. She looks drained, tired; She looks like she has been forced to work her entire life. She hasn't and I know that. She looks like she spent hours crying non-stop. She looks like she had countless sleepless nights. 

When looking at her, she looks hopeless. There is like no emotion is her dull green eyes. It's sad. When looking at her I can't help but feel bad. In the middle of my thoughts I was interrupted. "Is everything okay sweetie?" My mother's calm, yet slum voice echoed. 

"Me? Yeah, I'm just going through some nostalgia. It's strange being here after the man years of being gone. You know?"

"Yeah, I completely understand. But I mean, It's strange to see you here! I mean hell, after the two years of you and your sister  being gone I was confident that you were dead. I ended up quitting my job, and well. Here you are, six years later. It's stall hard to process. It's like you were brought back from the dead. I can't believe it. It's a miracle." She muttered to me, placing the final  fork into the basket as I swept the dust outside the door.

"Thanks." She muttered. I smiled placing the broom away hugging her. Father was out  gathering some goods for our small picnic. He enters the door at the right time, holding a large loaf of bread. Well speak of the devil.

"Meat is scarce, and I could barely get this myself. So lets head out. We can walk to meadow that is about half a mile away. We don't need a carriage." He explains. He puts the loaf of bread in the basket picking up the basket. I force him to put it down and to let me carry it.

"No, no. This is for you and your sister." He denies. I sigh accepting defeat providing some help and opening the door for the two. Enjoying the peaceful walk, talking about my experience in the military. 

"Yeah, it's stupid. I was confident that I was going to make it into the MP. But some odd shit happened and I didn't make it. It's really fucking stupid." Yes, I am still upset over the fact that I didn't make it in the MP. Yes my body have taken some damage in the past years, but I managed to get out of it. 

"Watch your mouth young lady." My mother scolds. I was going to apologize but my Father intervenes. 

"No need, she's old enough to start saying those. All I ask is that you don't start cursing like a sailor." He requests as I shamefully nod. After a few moments of silence we arrive at the meadow. I clean a small space, laying down the baby blue blanket that I took, handing the food out. We all converse and enjoy our food. Talk about memories with my sister and sharing tears that were very much needed. Only an hour later and It was dark. We walk home, no words spoken.

"I think you should stay tonight." My mother suggests.

"I wish I could, but I have duties to fulfill tomorrow."

"Do you know what you have to do?" 

"Not sure at all." I say, hugging her, along with my father. I hear a knock on the door. Parting ways from the embrace. I smile at my tear filled mom and wave good bye to my father. "I love you both. I will write!"

"Please do!" Father says while I close the door behind me. The night are was brisk, cold. It was joyful able, not to hot, not to cold. The ride back, I slept the entire time. 

In my sleep I hear people speaking.

"Ma'am." An irritated voice calls out. "Ma'am." The voice is louder."

"Are you stupid?" Another, deeper voice says. "It's clear she is sleeping, dumbass you even made eye contact. It's clear that I am here to pick her up. Move." The deep voice increasingly growing grumpier and grumpier with each word. The other person growled in response. I was now fully awake although I didn't want to wake up and disturb the man carrying me to my room.  Although, shit. I forgot, I locked it...

Holding me close the chest I could hear the mans calm breathing. He took deep breaths, assuming that he was only becoming winded from the heavy weight. In his arms. Walking inside and hearing the thump of his boots colliding with the floor. The beat after slowed beat stopped. He shifted his arms to get one available. Reaching for the nob to find out that it's only locked. He sighed frustrated, muttering quietly, "Ah, brat. The damn door it locked. Still trying to avoid embarrassment I kept my eyes closed. 

He continued to walk down the hall, opening one door and then another. Finally I felt my back come into contact with a soft surface. A bit of shuffling was heard, and then I felt my shoes be removed and my body be delicately picked up.

Suddenly I felt cool air come in contact with my skin, realizing that my shirt and skirt was off. What the hell is this guy doing? Then I felt a soft, clean cloth be pulled on my body. A shiver went up my spine and finally the movement stopped. I opened my eyes to observe the room.

I was in Levi's room.

Again!  I am so sorry and I hope to update more...if I can think of anything! Thank you for reading!

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