Chapter Twelve

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The carriage ride would take many hours until I finally reached my destination. That didn't both me, as I brought a book that I stole from Ryan's house. I do feel bad for doing so, but I needed some for of entertainment on this long journey. The book was called Prodigy the book was about a  small girl being kidnapped. It was a touchy subject because I can relate to it. Despite that, I tried to read it. Eventually I must of nodded off, and fell asleep.

Suddenly I felt an abrupt halt, and I fall from my seat into the floor. I quickly stand up, my curiosity rising. I knock on the wall towards the carriage driver, "What the hell is going on?"

"Seems, a horse is injured." He tells me. I get out of the carriage, and walk over to the horse. I look at it and notice the horse is nervously shifting it's weight. 

"What are we supposed to do?" I ask. 

"Nothing." He replies. I gasp, there is no way I am leaving this horse here! It has a live too. I try to think of something to do. I feel bad, and I am not fully trained in horsemanship so it's not like I can just take the horse, and leave. Then, it hits me. 

"Is their a village near by? Or maybe a town?" I ask.

"Yeah, there is one just a little bit north from here. It's like maybe ten to twenty minutes away. Why? What you getting at?" He questions, showing a definite signs of stress. 

"Unhitch your horse please, you stay here, and I can go fetch another. Put the injured horse in the carriage please." 

"Are you crazy? It'll break it!" 

"Trust me.. it won't. That horse looks to be a little under 800 pounds the carriage can hold 5 people about 200 pounds or less, so basically it can hold at least one horse!"  I say, rolling my eyes, and mounting the other horse. The horse stood silently waiting until I gave a wave of my rope that the man hastily put together. 

"You just need to squeeze your legs to make the horse walk, and then for the horse to trot you need to tap your heals into the horses side. To canter, bring one of your heals back, and squeeze, you should just follow the motion of the horse, to have a none bumpy ride, post. You rise and fall. That's a lot of information for you to handle, but it's good practice."

"Here take this, f you go to the stables and ask for a horse that is trained in pulling a carriage they should have one. Give him this and tell him it's from Dally, he should give you a discount. He and I know each other well. " He handed me a bag full of coins

I nodded, and right away I started to canter away to the town. I had to be quick, so I could reach the training grounds, and get myself registered. Moments later, I arrived at a small village, I quickly spotted the stables and quickly jumped of the horse, and pulled the horse with me. 

"Hey." The man greeted. 

"Hello! Uh, I am here for a horse that can pull a carriage, I was sent by Darry, one of his horses is injured, and we need another one. " I explain, placing down the money.

"I thought the horse you came into town in looked familiar." He mumbled to himself. "That horse is named Sid; come on follow me." He said. I tugged to horse forward, and walked behind the man. 

"You can tie Sid up right there, we have horses to choose from. " I looked at him clueless, not knowing how to tie the horse up. "Do you not know how to tie the horse up? Here let me show you." He demonstrated a series of different knot tying 'skills' and finally finished with pulling it tight. 

He gestured for me to follow and I did, we walked passed a few stables, and finally he showed me the horses he had to offer.

"I'll take that one!" I say, pointing at a tall brown horse who had one leg that was white up to it's knee, each leg had black up from it's hoof. The horse was stunning! But one thing stood out its ears were elongated, and turned in. They looked like the made a heart on top of it's head. 

"Kelo? The Marwari? You do know that the horse isn't fit for that..." He said.

"Oh? Is he not?"

"Well, he is trained to pull on, but he isn't your best bet. Although if you really want him then you can have him." He explained. I quickly nodded my head. 

"Well, he has a discount with him because he is a different kind of horse. He come with a saddle, blanket, and a bridle. " The man handed me the supplies and he helped me tack him. I untied the other horse and tied it to the saddle to he would have to follow me. 

"Alright thank you for your help!" I say mounting onto the new horse."

"No problem! Say hello to my old friend for me, will yeah?" I nod, and wave good bye.

I finally get back, and jump down, I see the horse is not there anymore, and the door is open. I walk over there and see the man, and the horse. I smile ad tell him I have another horse. He quickly tacked the two horses, and we were on our way. I was in the carriage, petting the horse's head. It was laying in my lap, and slightly resting.


Only moments later, we arrived. I thanked the guy and sadly looked at all the horses. I was going to miss them. Sid, Kelo, and the u=injured horse's name is Quinten.

"Thanks for helping me. If you want I can come back and visit, I know you'll be busy but here's my address, and can write me when you want to visit me and the horses. I appreciate your help." 

"I will definitely write to you! Expect that!"

Finally, we went our ways, I made my way to the training grounds.


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