Chapter Thirty

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I don't even know how long it's been when my father and I reunited. I swear he and I were in the embrace for only five minutes. He pulled back, and I felt empty. I shouldn't because he right there. but I do. 

"My goodness, (Y/n)! Where have you been?" He asks; eyes widening suddenly. 

"Underground, it's a really long boring story, I was basically kidnapped, and well Levi and his friends helped me.." I stop, a hurtful memory of my sister flashing in my mind. I freeze up my father noticing and hugging me. 

"Where's you sister?" He asks in a soft whisper. I start to silently cry. 

"I couldn't help her! I'm so sorry! I tried! She was dead! A horrific, horrid scene! I wanted nothing more to help her!" I ball collapsing to the floor escaping my father's embrace. I could hear his gasp, and  for a moment-- as he belt over to comfort me again--his heart stopped. Finally expressing all the emotions I kept pent up made my own heart stop.

"It's okay." He muttered, seeming speechless. I mean who wouldn't when you see one daughter, and that daughter to only confess your other daughter is dead. Of course it was going to stab into your heart and you won't be able to form words.  "S-she's in a better place now." I don't reply, only my tears of joy, and sadness being shared between us. 

He and I depart again, when he notices my jacket. "You joined the military? The Survey Corps?" I sigh, my body starting to tremble. I was so disappointed to be a Survey Corps soldier. The blue and white wings spread on my back, shoulders, and breast wasn't something I was proud of. I wanted nothing more to be in the MP and I was almost confident I would make it. I don't say anything. I looked down at my boots shifting nervously. The silence was awkward between us. He didn't reply.

"Yes, I did." I mumble, finding the courage to tell him. "But I wanted to join the MP! I trained my ass off! I really did but I didn't make it! I wasn't qualified! I was so upset! My life is absolute shit! First I get kidnapped, then my sister dies, my friends leave me to join the military, two of them die, I get stabbed and almost die, and I don't get into the MP! Why isn't it fair?" I shout, suddenly raging with anger but at the same time sadness bubbling through my veins. 

"Now you are probably disappointed with me! I'm sorry!" I say dropping to my knees, and almost bowing to him. People around me and my own father were shocked. I was acting completely outrageous. I mean hell, I am reunited with my dad, but what about my mother? I gasp, emotion completely leaving me. I look up fearing for the look of my father who was standing above me. 

"Where's mother?" My eyes were suddenly filled with fear. Is she alive? Do I honestly want to know. 

"She's at home, she retired after you and your sister went missing. She dedicated her life to find you two without getting everyone involved. She'll be blown away to see you! You are like a ghost, a sight for sore eyes! I'm just so happy you are alive." He says. A man steps up behind him asking a few questions, and he nods, almost angrily telling him to leave. 

"Where do we go from here? I ask, "I mean, we--" The realization hit. 

"We just lost wall Maria!" I gasp, my eyes again bringing tears. I try to whip them. "Dad, I'm sure it's hard to say but right now we need to head back to our own bases, I'll write to you and try to get a day off to visit you. His eyes turned dull, and seemed saddened. I felt really bad. 

"Right, we have duties to fulfill. I'll inform you mother of your return and your sister's end. I love you." He and I hug again, and I tell him that I love him as well. I turn back around to see the soldiers packing up. It was all so hard to wrap around. Petra rode her horse up to me, bringing my own I thank her numbly and mount on.

"What the? You seem to have gotten the special treatment! Who was that? Was the Nile Dok?" She asks, shocked. 

"That's my father, it's been a while since we've last seen each other. I was kidnapped and well, frankly; I don't want to talk about it right now. I mean, hence my last name: Dok." I shrug. She nods, everything clicking into place. I turn around on the back of my horse. I ride to Erwin.

"Excuse me, Sir. I have a question." I say while approaching him. He turns his horse and look at me.


"I hate to be that person but do you think I could have a day off tomorrow from duties? I'm sure you've heard the news of my return to my family and I would like to see them tomorrow. Do you think you could give me own day to see them?" Erwin smiles and nods.

"Everyone gets down time tomorrow anyways. We ask that we have clean rooms, and stables and well choirs to be finished but I trust that you will do them. And I do most certainly give you permission to go. I'm assuming you will be returning late due to your travels being in Cina, and I trust that you will be training the next day." Erwin explains. "Also, I have called the expedition off. But training is still important." 

I nod, smiling and thanking him. He then annouced tha we were leave, and he kindly let me stay in front as we were only heading home. I felt happy, and free. I pull my cloat close before kicking my horse to go. Feeling cocky I make my horse rear up before going, making eye contact with my shocked father. He smiles, shaking his head saying something to a soldier. Honestly I was shocked to see my horse would actually do that so. I turn my head to see Levi calmly looking forward. I smiled calmly averting my gaze and droppnig my perfect posture, simalar to everyone else's.

Later I found out we lost one third of humannity today. It was a shocker, a huge lose. Losing a wall, and then the many people. May you guys rest in peace. May you rest. 

Hey, wow, okay! So I am done with competitions for now, but I have....a trip soon! I'm leave sunday the 20th for Washington D.C. with my class so I'm unsure if I'll be able to post. Anyways thank you for reading! Don't for get to save it to your library to keep up with my updates, and important information, and share with you friends, family and MAYBE EVEN YOUR TUTLE! I don't know :P

~Cassandra /(o.o/)

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