Chapter Ten

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Tonight was the start of a brand new story for me. I don't care if my accident is preventing me. I am going to sneak out and go! I was ready and I'm not afraid. As the nurses started to turn the lanterns off and blow the candles out, I started to fake my sleep. Being that we were in a hospital so it's not like anyone could get up and walk out because they were sick. The nurses may keep a small look out, I'm just going to book it. I'm not going to care if I get caught. 

I want out. Now.

I am to focused on getting back to my family. And maybe finding my friends. But everything if just a mess right now.

"Ms. Dok." A nurse interrupts my thought. I quickly snap my head to look at her. " you seemed troubled. What's on you mind?"

"Oh it's nothing." I smiled. Adjusting myself in bed and looking up at her. She smiled back, bid me a good nights rest and walked out of my room, blowing out the candle. I carefully watched as she stepped out, and I waited for the perfect time to leave.

As I waited. Many thoughts came to my mind, I then realized I've been missing for almost two years. And it's almost like humanity has forgotten me. I most certainly a random kid in the village. I was Nile Dok's eldest daughter. I was fairly well known, although my father was pretty good with his family life, and keeping it hid. It made me wonder how he was, how my mother was, and everything else. I wondered if they even remembered me, or if they just forgot because of all the painful memories and never being about to make more. Then one question stuck with me.

Did they even love me?

This got me terrified. What if they forgot about me because I was taken! What if they stopped loving me! All these crazy thoughts made me go wrong in the head and I wanted to scream out. But I contained myself and calmed down.

I think now is time.

And so I very stealthy got out of bed and ventured my way to the door. I peeped down the hall to see if anyone was near by. I then dashed out and carefully stepped to the door. Eventually I spotted the entrance, and I quickly and quietly got out of it. When I stepped out I looked around. The air didn't smell fresh. It was still musty smelling, it was extremely dark and if I looked close enough. It looked run down.

Tears very quickly started to role down my face.

"No!" My mind shouted. "This cant be! I can't be still in the underground! This is some sick twisted joke! This is insane! No no no! I went back inside. I plopped onto my bed, no even caring about my wound. I couldn't believe it. I was still in the underground, and I was in a hospital there. But the funny thing is. There are not hospitals in the underground. What kind of sick joke was this?

Next thing I new I woke up in the hospital room. Did I fall asleep? Was it all a dream? I quickly pinched myself and I was happy to know I was alive. It was me. So I quickly made my way out of bed, and escaped. And this time I wasn't in a dirtied area. I was in a new area. Fresh. It was amazing. I then thought where the meeting would be. Probably sometime into the morning. So tonight I would be sleeping in an alleyway. Although. I'm above and I don't care.

First, I'll need clothes. Maybe I should steal some? Or maybe I'll just find some? What are the odds of that?  As I limped my way around, it seemed as if the village was dead. Or abandoned.
I carefully looked around, looking at many of he shops and houses trying to pick the one I wanted.

Suddenly I spotted it. A clothing store. I would have to steal something. Again not the best idea but it's night, they won't know.

I slowly and quietly opened the door and walked in. There were a few skirts, pants, shirts, shorts. I looked at my hospital gown and then stuffed only a dress, pair of shorts, shirt, and a skirt. I stuffed all of it under my gown, and acted as if I were pregnant. Not the best decision but it'll work for now. I then quickly got out,and suddenly in the house I heard footsteps. I quickly sprinted away, and I hide in a small alleyway, I peeked around a corner and watched as a man with a lantern stepped out, and looked around. I kept the clothes close to me. Holding it as if it were my belly. Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder. I gasp, and turn, about to slap the person behind me. Then I realized it was Ryan.

"(Y/N)! What are doing out if the hospital?" He looked at me, his eyes full of concern.

"Uh nothing!" I stammered. He looked down at me,  and noticed the clothing stuffed into my hospital gown. I sheepishly dropped it.

"you don't have to do that. I mean stealing isn't right but that might be what you may think you'd have to do. I'm not judging. But I'll just drop by and give him money or something. You on the other hand, where the hell are you going to stay?"

I looked down kicking at the dirt. I mutter quietly,"in an alleyway. Where else would I stay?"

"Not sure. I'm the hotel?" He says jokingly, suddenly realizing his mistake and abruptly stoping his laughter. He cleared his throat.
"Well would you like the stay at my house for the night. It's getting cold, and extremely late. You need sleep. "

"I suppose so." I shrug. "Thanks for letting me stay. Greatly appreciated." I say slightly bowing my head. It was quiet for the walk there. It was so quiet and it bothered me. When we entered his house he was so nice and warm. Then he sat down, and showed my to his room.  I thanked him and he turned before he blew the candle out.

"Why did you leave the hospital?"

"I want to join the military!" I replied.

SO SORRY  ABOUT THAT! A major part deleted so yeah...

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