Chapter Nine

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I was exhausted. Why did I have a horrible night of sleep? Oh wait. I know why. Let me explain. Now I am not sure if you know what Sleep Paralysis is but I had dealt with it. Nobody knows much about it, and neither do I. This was my first time with it.

Anyways, it was terrifying. It was like I was awake, and stuff, but I could not move. It was like my mind was awake, but my body was asleep. I didn't know what to do, I could talk, I couldn't scream. After I 'woke' up I cried. I don't even know why but I've never had one of those! All I wanted was for someone to hold me. I miss my family, I miss my friends.

"(Y/n)? Are you awake?" A female voice echoed through the room. It was morning, out, the sun was shining brightly in my eyes, the room was slightly dusty, but I could get over it. I never really realized it but I have been crying for that entire time. I quickly wiped my tears away, and rubbed my nose. I sniffled, "I am awake!"

The nurse entered, greeted me happily and turned to me. "How you feeling?"

"I am doing fine. How's you morning." I asked.

She seemed slightly surprised by me asking if she was doing good. I myself was also slightly surprised by my action. I have no problem with her but with my mood yesterday I was very moody.

"I'm doing wonderful!" She gleefully answered back, "Now are you hungry?"

As much as I wanted to say no, I couldn't deny having actual GOOD food! It wouldn't be soup from stolen bread, and what ever good vegetables we--I could find. I am actually starving! It's been a long time since I've had a read breakfast. "Yes ma'am!" I calmly answered.

"Okay! I'll be back, try to prop yourself up, is you can't I'll bring a tray." She left the room. I was then again left alone. I slightly sniffled and gazed around. My mind flashed back to last night, a slight-vision-end flicker in front of me. Then my mind thought of what the nurse said. Try propping yourself up, if you can't.. I slowly work my way to my elbows, there was immense pain shooting through my abdomen.

I gasped, and my arms wobbled beneath my weight. I collapsed, huffing out a sigh, feeling agitated. Why did all of this have to happen to me? Why does my life just suck?

"Ma'am are you okay?" A near by nurse that must have been walking by rushed into my room after hearing me cry out in pain. She gave me a nervous look, observing me, then her expression turning suddenly hard, and cold.

"I'm fine," I huffed, "But if you don't mind me asking is there something wrong?"

"Oh. It's you." She replied harshly.

I stayed silent, thinking of something say when it surfaced I asked if she had a problem with me, she replied with a surprising comment.

"The woman who tried to kill herself, huh?" She slightly snickered.

I was taken a back. I have never tried to comit suicide, and I don't get why he thought that.

"Oh, it wasn't like tha-" I tried to explain when she suddenly cut me off.

"Don't speak you sick person. I hope you know that your life means a lot! I mean hell! Especially when your leaving the underground! That means you are actually have something worth living! In a way I wished you died." She snapped.

I started at her in shock. What is happening?

"Natalie? What are you doing in here? I told you go to the medicine room! This is the wrong room!" My nurse walked in holding a tray, and my food. I smiled at the sight of her.

"She sounded hurt! So then I tired to help! Then I realized she's the one who tried to kill herself! So then I told her that her life matters!"

"Natalie, I told you to not enter other peoples rooms, even if they cry out in pain or need help! If you think it's serious, call a doctor or a nurse! You are not qualified to do stuff like that!" My nurse pulled her aside, "And she did not try to kill herself! She was stabbed by some maniac."


"No buts! Go bring the medicine to room 15! Stat!" The nurse yelled, and the other ran out. "I apologize for her. She's a patient who we can't let out. She has some mental disabilities and we are doing tests, and learning about her condition. Anyways, I see you couldn't get up?"

"Yeah, I tried.." I quietly laughed.

"Well, I guess that's something we can work on! Well, anyways I'll help you up, and we can get you in for a check-up? How's that sound?"

"Huh? A check-up? Already?"

"Well, we have predicted that you'd be here for maybe a month, but if we get you started on moving around, and check-up regularly we might be able to make that process faster!"

Really? I thought. What will I do after? I have NO place to go!

"Wait! Where would I go after this?" I asked as the nurse started to leave.

"You mean you don't have a family?" She asked.

"I do, It's just they are the inner wall.."

"Honey, you came from the underground! Don't lie to me. But if need somewhere to go, you could get a job, or you could join the military. And if you actually have family in Wall Sina, then you could try to become top of the class and join the Military Police. But I don't know much, although I do know that they start taking people in to train tomorrow? But you can't go. You'll have to wait till next year." She explains. I was shocked. WAIT till NEXT year?! That way to long! I'll have to get some job! And there is no where in hell I will do that! I am probably not old enough!


"Ms, Dok how are you today?" The Doctor entered my room holding a clip board. He flipped through a few pages, "I see that you have suffered from a stab wound." He said carefully and he flipped to a page, wrote something down, and then nodding his head.

"Yes sir." I answered formally. He shook his head and muttered to not call him sir. He interdicted himself as Mark Shray. It was kind of a odd
Name but it felt like it flowed together perfectly. He was an older man, maybe in his late thirties, early forties.  For his age he was tall, lean and a nice looking man. Now I'm not saying I'd go and date this guy, he's not my type. Also too old..way to old.

He started talking about doctor-y things, using big words that sounded as if randomly thrown together. I started to day dreaming, dreaming about finally getting back into my normal life routines and seeing my family. And maybe even seeing Levi and them again! I miss them so much!!

"Ms Dok..?" The doctors dragged out words snapped me out of my thoughts, while he snapped his fingers in my face.

"Huh?" I shook my head and looked him straight into his deep green eyes. "Sorry sir, I was paying attention I'm just started to get tired. That's all." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck while suddenly coughing. He looked out the window and noticed that the sun was starting to set. He stood up, pulling the chair back to the table. 

"Well Ms. Dok I'll call in the nurse to help you change into a night wear—" I suddenly cut him off.

"I already have it in sir." I watched him nod while simultaneously say,"very well." And leave the room. He baud me a good nights rest and I returned the nice gesture back.

But tonight will be the last time I see him. Or anyone here...I'm going to that meeting to join the military.

I am sincerely sorry about not updating this sooner. But here it is. Sorry. Not much to say 🙃

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