Chapter Twenty Five

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Many struggling weeks have passed since I offically became a soldier. I haven't bee making any friends, I only stick to Petra and her, and her friends. I'm too awkward to make other friends. Today on my agenda was apsolutly nothing. Today we were supposted to have exstensive training that would sadly take place all day. It would be more ODM training, and we go and take out more dummies. Just good old fashion training.

I struggled with getting out of bed this morning. I stumbled to my dresser, my hair noted and messily tied back into a bun. When trying to pull it out of it's hair tie I struggled with it. The hair was wraped around. To get it out I slowly ripped some of the hair out. Finally I managed to brush my hair out and braid it into two dutch braids. My baby hairs fell out gracefully and framed my face. This was ahair style that may didn't know about. It wasn't worn often. As a child my mother braided my hair often so I could play and my hair wouldnt be a disruption. The two braids fell on my sholders and rested there softly. I smiled at myself washing my face with water and stepping out of my barrack. Many others followed and we headed for the training grounds. 

Shockingly when arriving Commander Erwin was there talking with a burnet woman who had her hair tied in a messy ponytail, and Levi. The soldiers who were already there were standing in straight, resting at ease. I joined those who were standing there. Resting calmly I waited till Erwin would start his lecture. This was unusual to start training like this. Finally all the soldiers showed up.

"Good Moring, Cadets. This isn't our regularly scheduled routine, but I have a important annoucement. We are going to heading outside the walls in the next week. I already have permission from the royal family. Although, for this plan t sucseed I will need some troops to scoop out some area from us to leave safely. I ask Levi's squad, and Hange here to choose those who seem fit and ready to head outside today. You will be returning early tomarrow morining. I thank you for your time. If you are to be on this trip, please leave now."

As a new member I wasn't going. I was assigned the squads who were called. I sighed in relief, but an expedition soon? There's no way any of us are ready. Just as everyone who was asighed left my name was called. I looked up and the three becomming me to come forward. I slowly strod over to them and saluted. Erwin told me to stand at ease. I stood with my feet sholder win apart and hand behind my back. 

"(Y/n) Dok. You are a strong soldier. Levi's squad doesn't have many soldier occupying it. I know you have only joined but you are a hard worker and a strong soldier. Could you please go out with them? You will be placed as back up with his squad. No, this doesn't mean you are offically asigned to his squad, this is more or less to add more support. It would be bvery helpful."

My heart dropped as he told me this. Ever inch of my mind was telling my to deny his requst and become a coward. I wanted to run off and hide in my room. I wanted my family. My mind and thoughts weren't listening to me. I nodded my head.

"Yes sir." I was shockd with my word my moth nearly fell open. I caught myself from doing so. Everyone there though seemed plesently please. The burnett smiled brightly her glasses gleaming in the sun. She creepily brought her hands up and fiddeled with her fingers. She gave a  low giggle.

"Good! You'll have fun! Trust me." She hooked her arm around mine. I tried to draw back but she didn't allow me to. She marrily skipped around forcing me to follow her. "Levi! If you don't mind I'm going to steal you new recruit and get ready!" Before he could reply she ran off with me. I only followed quietly jogging with her. Our gears were slightly claning together. 

"So, (Y/n) your new here right? Well! Hello I'm Hange Zoe I'm a section Commander and I do a lot of research. You wanna hear about it?" I stood there awkwardly. I smiled at here before saying.

"Uh, don't we have to um....get ready?" She looked at me as if she was ready to burst out laughing. She halted. Hange placed a hand on her hip and started giggling. Then she busted out laughing. I was shocked, the wind slightly blew the baby hairs flying in my face. Hange bent over trying to catch her breath.  I slighty giggled. 

"No! They have to wait for me. Although I hate to keep them waiting and I really  want to see those titans! They probably miss me!" He voice changed into a low giggle. I chuckled at her strangeness walking to the stables. I grabbed (H/N) and quickly saddled him. Hange was stuggling. I left my horse tied up and walked to her.

"I've been a soldier for a while here and I still can't saddle a horse!" She says flabergasted. I walked over taking the saddle pad and moving it upward. Since out saddles are a mix of English and Western so they have a very unique look to them. They are made for mobility not only the horse but the soldiers. The horse has the ability to stretch out their sholders and move quickly in scary situations.

"Hange; here let me show you how to do this. So first to give the horse more movement in their shoulders we want to create a mouse hole right above their withers. This bump at the end of the neck is their withers. We want to rest the saddle right there and still have the hole there." I explain showing her what I was telling her. She nodded slightly intrigued.

"How do you know all this? I don't remember learning this in the classes with horses. We only ahd a week to learn all of it..." She sighed.

"I read a lot of books about horses and all of that."  I say sheepishly. She smiles. 

"Anyways, then you will take this, this is called a girth. and you will lift this flap and it'll expose straps, three of them. You want the first one and the second most of the time but if you really want the back two work as well. A lot of times if the girth is too big you can use the first and the third one for those secumstances. You see we have a stretchy side? We want that on the right. We will do the blunt end first one the left we want the first on." The horse lightly jerked it's head and I patted him easing him. I moved to the other and sintched it up. Finally I sintched it tightly. 

"You can bridle right?" I ask. She smiled sheepishly and shook her head. 

"See, I can brush but not tack." I showed her how to bridle. Finally walking out of the stable with the both of mounted. We go and line up.

Okay you guys, to understand what I was talking about when saddling I reccomend watching a video about tacking up ENGLISH! Also don't look up the word girth it's not pretty...if you are cerious look up girth and type horse at the end! So sorry that it came out so late!

"Please Don't Go."(Levi X reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant