Chapter Four

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It's been about 4 months since my arrival, and I was warming up to everyone. Levi and Farlan left to go get food for lunch. They've been gone for about to an our and I am starving.I was sitting at the dinner table, drawing a simple stick figure because I didn't know what to draw. But it's not like I can draw anyways. So I scribbled down the paper creating a grey to white gradient.

"Isabel?" I called. 

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"Are Levi and Farlen back yet? I starving!" I complained.

"No. They're still out. " She stated. 

I let out a groan plopping my head down the table. I sighed, sitting up, and walking over to Isabel. I watched as Isabel paced around. "Crap!" She shouted. 

"What?" I asked.

"Levi and Farlan might be in trouble."  She sat down, and grabbed her head. "The Military Police might be part of this." She said, then mumbled something under her breath. 

"I have to leave." Isabel states. 

"What? Why?" I blurt,"You're going to leave me?"

"Well, they might be in trouble, I have to help them!" I could tell Isabel was stressed.

"But you can't just leave me! What if a bad person come around! I'm just a 13 year old!" I shout, trying to convince her to stay. 

"(Y/N)! I can't the MP might be involved! They might've got caught!" She argued back!


"Besides, you need to grow up, it's not bad down here, okay!" 

I let out a sigh and looked at her, straight in the eyes. "Do the doors lock?"

"; they don't but you can just rig it." She said.

"How?"  I questioned, giving her a smug look. She laughed, and ruffled my hair. "Here, I'll teach you." 

She showed me how to take the chair and tilt it to stop from anyone getting in. 

"You can do it to the room. I have to set up for something. Just pack a few things." She smiled, lightly punching my shoulder. 

"Okay." I took the chair away from her, and started dragging it to the room. I watched her just stare at me with a cheeky smile, waiting for me to leave. I left, and pretended to close the door and watched her scurry around to the door with the metal gear. She carefully pulled it out of the closet, and started to put it on.

I quietly closed the door, and set up the lock rig. 

"Alright (N/N)! I'm leaving! I'll be back as soon as possible!" 

I didn't answer, I listened to the door close. I let out a sigh, and sat down, pulling my legs in. 

I started to cry. I didn't know why, but I did. I was worried about their safety, and my safety. "No!" I  said to myself, "Isabel's right, I need to grow up. I mean hell, I'm 13 years old!" I let out a gasp. Did I just swear? I like this new me. All. Grown. Up.

I looked down at my dress. It was a little childish. I looked at the dresser, and walked over to it. 

"I'll change my dress. I mean I have to get rid of this ugly, ruffle-y, pink dress." I scoffed at it. I walked to the dresser, pulling out clothes to wear. I found a skinny strapped dress, with a little ruffle at the bottom, the dress what shorter and it looked it would be about knee length. 

I thought it looked to bland, so I looked for something to throw over it. I continued digging, and throwing the clothes I didn't like. When suddenly I spotted something. It was an olive green button up shirt. I looked at it, and smiled. 

"Please Don't Go."(Levi X reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon