Chapter Six

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And then it happened. I was strangely having a dream. I fell asleep with a random person in the house and who knows she might try to stab me!

But that didn't matter right now. I was having a strange dream. It had many symbols in it like: a dove. Hope maybe? The sky was bright blue, full of puffy white clouds and sunny even. What does this mean? Am I going to have a some sort of miracle and wake up in a royal castle? Was my dream of Levi, Farlan, and Isabell merely a dream? If it was I'd be happy but if it wasn't then I'd pity myself.

"(Y/n)! Wake up please!" A voice echoed. "Oh please! Lord! Help me! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up!"

I jolted awake.

"What he hell?" I snapped. The slightly blurry figure in front of me had just pinched me.

"Sorry!" The girlish tone shivered. I rubbed my temps trying to ease the headache that suddenly appeared.

"It's -" Suddenly she took her hand and pressed hard while takin the other hand and placing a finger up to her mouth. I gave her a questioning look as she pulled her hand away.

"Wh-" I was cut off again with her hand.

"Quite." She huffed. This wasn't like the one person I knew before. She was more harsh. She even had a harsher tone. "I'll explain in a minute. Come we must leave now!" She quickly grabbed my hand and yanked me up.

As we arrived into the kitchen she started to act weird. She turned and gave me a wicked look.

"I have the money!" She waved it in my face.

"–And?" I questioned.

"I'm going up! I'm going to live!" She then pulled out a knife. "But I feel bad for leaving you don't hear so I'm going to kill you! Sorry it had to be this way." She then ran after me. I froze in my spot, suddenly realizing the situation. I ran away tripping on a pillow. She pounced on me and I held the knife blade in my hand.

The blood seeped from my wounds and I gradually felt myself succumbing into her strength. I wiggled my legs from under her kicking her trying my best to avoid her stomach.

"Bitch I'm not pregnant!" She added more pressure. Soon I kneed her and she fell forward. I lost all strength in my arms and she jammed the knife into my side. This was not good. But it was perfect. I could play dead. And I did.

"Skank. I'm glad you dead. Although just because I want to tease your spirit I'm going to leave my extra money. I'm hot enough I could become a prostitute. " She excitedly announced.

What? Well I'm sure you can. Sell yourself into prostitution and maybe even sex slavery. And you call me a skank. I thought to myself chuckling in mind. This girl was stupid. I literally just made my grand escape from this hell hole.

I watched as she merrily pranced out of the house leaving me there 'dead'. She slammed the door shut. I imagined myself gladly getting up and counting the money. Maybe this would be enough. Maybe I could go up!

Well no; (Y/n) don't get your hopes up. Maybe it'll leave soon. Anyways, I realized I was laying still, and I started to get uncomfortable. Suddenly I felt it. It was a pain I couldn't recognize. It was excruciatingly painful. I looked down and noticed I was bleeding. I slightly panicked. I quickly but consciously stood up, and started to quickly pull my skirt up.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" I shouted to myself, jerking up my shirt that was tucked in my skirt. I then observed the wound.

This wound could kill me. No; it will kill me if I don't attend to it right away.

And so I did. I started to slowly make my way into the room, making sure to add pressure to my wound. I groaned in pain stumbling my way into the room searching for cloth, or a bandage. Finally digging through piles of clothes I found an old looking shirt and ripped it apart. I tightly wrapped it around my body. I looked down.

"This won't work for long. I'm going to need some medical attention. But honestly health care down here is horrible. But maybe my luck will show and I'll see someone good."

Right now I was exhausted. I needed sleep. I can forget about food, or water. I just needed sleep. Sleeping would help with the healing process maybe. When I looked at the wound it wasn't to bad. Yes-- there was a wound, and yes it could kill. But I might have gotten myself wrapped enough to prevent actual death.

Although I forgot about the infection part of a wound. Living in the underground can be very dirty. If any germs, or bacteria enter my cut I could deal with an infection. Those are hard to heal, and I'll be dead in days.

My idea was to wash it everyday with warm water. Then that'll potentially kill off any bacteria that is dreaming to enter and breed in my 'wonderful' wound. I also want to try to keep the house as clean as possible. If I can keep it clean, no bad thing could infect my wound.

I. Am. A. Genius!

Although, all that pondering put me in more of a sleepy state. That will be for tomorrow's work. If only Levi, Farlan, or Isabel were her to help. I miss them! I want them back. When will they be back?

OML GUYS I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE YEARS! SSOOO much has happened and I am dealing with dance, and Horseback riding. I also got a job. But that for those who have not to leaving or pestering with "NEXT UPDATE!" thank you so much and I hope to update soon!

"Please Don't Go."(Levi X reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon