Chapter One

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(If you see any words missed spelled, wrong spelling, etc, please comment!! I'll fix it!!)

It was your average kind of day. Well, for me at least. I live in walls, that protect humanity from being eaten, or keeping it from dying out. I'll explain later. Anyways, I was playing with my younger sister: Alana. She is five years old, with black hair and (your eye color) eyes. She had dimples when she smiled. She was always kind. Though, at times she is extremely annoying, she is for sure one of my closest friends. Why don't I have other friends? I'm extremely shy when talking to other people, and I don't get the time to spend time with them–Alana needs someone to watch her.  My name is (Y/N) Dok, I am 10 years old and I live in Wall Cina. Crazy right?  Well, both my parents have good jobs, working along side the king himself.  My father's high ranks in the military police gets the family the money.  My father is the commander of the Military Police: Nile Dok, and my mother is apart of the castle:she cleans that castle's long, curvy halls and diamond-draped bedrooms.

I want to be like them one day, working in in the castle, or in the Military police. I have once actually met the other leaders from the other branches. I think their name's where: Erwin Smith, and Keith? Oh! Shadis, but I forgot his full name. I don't know, but I had dinner with them one time—while my was pregnant with my sister. She's only 5–pretty young.

This year I'll get to join the 87th trainee squad, I am really excited to! The worst part is, only to way to get into the MPs you have to be in the top ten. You'll have to be really good! My parents always tell me I'll make it, and if not they'll be proud no matter what.

"(Y/N)! Come on! Lets play Hide n Seek!" I feel my little sister tugged on my light blue skirt. I groan and roll my eyes.

"But why!" I whine

"Because it's fun!" She clamored, her eye's glistening with excitement.

"No! I don't want to," I emit, smirking at her upset face,"One,Two. Three." I slur. Alana screams in fear of being  found as she scurried around, looking for a good hiding spot.

"Ten! Ready or not here I come!" I shout, peeking up from my hands. I started looking around searching in every crack and crevice.

"Alana?" My voice wavered. The atmosphere had an almost 'I'm-gonna-to-kill-or-take-you' feeling. I had an uneasy feeling it was strange. "Well, maybe she's in the closet."

I tiptoed closer, and closer...closer. Suddenly I was grabbed by someone, or maybe something. I screamed in terror, starting to thrash about. I tried loosening the grip–it wouldn't budge!

"Let go! LET GO OF ME!" I panicked. I peeked over my shoulder and saw masked-men, taking my sister, she was unconscious. I freaked out tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Take the little girl, tie her up, and take her to 'home'," the man emphasized the word 'home' as if where a bad place. I turned my head and stared at him. The trembling feeling of fear over came me. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, I screamed, as loud I could I hoped with all my heart and prayers someone could hear me. No luck. I was picked up, thrown over the man's beefy shoulder and was knocked out.

I woke up, head pounding--in an unfamiliar area. I was scared--it was dark, and my hands where bound together. I then felt the cold breeze blow, and my body shivered. That's when I heard grown men talking.

"Yeah, the other one should be totally fit for it, forcing her to do so would be fun."

"Indeed! Her sister! She'd look better for different things." I could practically hear the man's smirk! I fumed with anger,  this guy should just burn in hell! Suddenly, I could barely comprehend someone's footsteps creeping closer.  A tale man stepped in (and I started to panic). I had no idea of who these men are, or what they would do to us. Most likely they're bad people. Cliché...right? Well, if you where in my position you'd be horrified.

The man stepped in with a wicked smirk painted on his face. I glared at him, he just breathed weirdly, it freaked me out. His eyes were wide, and looked creepily at me. "Hello." He smiled. I grumbled, and huffed trying my gaze away.

"Hmm, stubborn huh?" He asked

"Shut up." I growled.

" know you are very pretty." He commented

I wiped my head around giving him a disgusted look, "Let me go."

"It would be a shame to let such a pretty girl like you...go," he murmured, pausing in mid sentence.

"Why?" I started to weep.

"Well, it'd just be...bad," He gave a smug look.

"Please! I'll do anything!" I tried persuading.

"No," He said blankly, "we need you."

"But why?"

"Just because..." he placed a hand on my stomach and traced his finger down, closer to my thigh. I gasped in shock, this guy was not good at all! "Help! Somebody hel--" He harshly placed a hand over my mouth.

My eyes widened in fear, he was doing inferior things to me. I had tears trailing down my face.

"Rayn–!" I hear someone call out. The man stops stroking me, he looks up and sighs. "Ugh..I gotta go." He sighs and regrouped himself, "I gotta go sweet pea. Don't go anywhere.." the man named, Ryan winked at me.

I cringed at that fact, I need to escape–I got to get out! I began struggling, trying to get the ropes untied.  I scrambled my limbs trying to loosen the knots, he will be here soon! I then recalled something.

"Oh (Y/N)!" I hear someone yell, I look up happily. I grin in happiness to see my father.
"Hi daddy!" I giggle and run up to him. He picks me up, he wrapped his arm around me tightly.
"Hey sweetie, how are you?" He asked.

"I am good, you?" I asked politely.

"Good now that I'm with you! He smiled, as he set me down, he rubbed his temples, frowned, as he groaned.

"I'm sorry sweetie I've gotta do some paper work, I really wish I could hang with you right away. He walked away, I was left devastated.

Hello! If you read my last chapter/update it said I was gonna change the story line. Well, I did! I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will be updating my walking dead one next. Until then cya next time.

"Please Don't Go."(Levi X reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz