Chapter Thirty Four

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"We need to work quickly!" Shouted Hange. "From what it sounds like they managed to plug the hole with the help of a titan! Oh how cool! I can't wait to see it! (Y/n)! Do you think it's able to talk? OH! Oh! Wha-"

"Shitty glasses, get yourself together, we are here to clear the titans, now take your squad and go. Stop distracting cadet Dok. She is busy with her own duties. Go fulfill your own and stop talking for Christ's sake." 

Currently we were on the wall, discussing formations, and how to execute all the titan's safely. I ended up in Levi's squad. And then we were all sent off. For some reason I was really nervous. For what reason, going currently unknown. Although, during it I was a complete clusterfuck.

I would be ordered to go after a titan with no assist (unless it were to large, and I needed it) and fail. Was I too overwhelmed? Or was it a strange bad feeling. Honestly it was, but why? No reason. I need to focus! 

"Cadet, get yourself together! You are going to get yourself killed. Think, brat!" Levi scolded. I say nothing only nodding my head. 

"Abnormal a head!" I say, using my gas to shove me forward. "Don't worry! I can get this! I swear!" I call out, gaining speed. Finally, I bring my arms above my head, using all my strength to slice down on the titan's neck. I smirk as I go airborne due to the titan falling. I jump up getting myself safely on top of a roof.

"I got it." I mumble, as I watch the titan's body decay. The steam erupting from not only the nape, but all the other body parts. I sigh, satisfied. I'm capable of doing things. I just need to focus. I look around. Levi calls it good, and tells us to retreat. Everyone else can manage to clean the rest of the titans. 

About two hours later, we were told that all but two titan's were eliminated. Hange, managed to capture two titans successfully giving them the names of Sawney and Bean. That manic will likely get killed but it's for researching purposes? Hopefully she doesn't ask me to help her. 

Erwin later asks if I could go attend to Eren, the titan shifter. He was currently held in a cell in a coma. Walking down a cold, and soggy cellar. Hange is eager, talking my ear off pulling on my arm to get me to speak. I would give out the small occasional, "Yeah, and cool." But nothing to out of hand. Standing there it smelled damp. It reminded me of the underground putting me on edge. I called myself telling that it wasn't the same place, just an old cellar for bad people to go before trial. 

I leaned back on the wall, closing my eyes. I waited listening to Erwin and Levi converse. Finally I tuned out all of the sounds when I hear the light shake of shackles. I assumed Eren had awoken from his coma so I just adjusted myself so I could tune into the what was being held here. Suddenly I hear a shake, of bars being harshly grasped and causing it to shake. I jump awake, similar to how Eren did. Looking forward I see Hange with her face smashed into the bars.

"Ah!" She gushed, "You're awake!" The boy, brown hair and eyes a stunning blue green said nothing. Still trying to process everything. 

"U-uh. What happened? Where am I?" He asked.

"You are in a jail cell." I mumble nonchalantly. He hums, trying to get up but being restraint by the shackles. The chains clanked as he shifted, trying to get comfortable. I once again tune out, closing my eyes listening peacefully to Erwin explaining to Eren about Trost. It wasn't long. Just an explanation until we would most likely be kicked out my the MP. 

It was short and simple, explaining to Eren that he was being tried. And shortly after we leave. 

Now  we have to deal with the situation of the titan shifter. We were called to court to see the boy who possess titan shifting abilities. People quietly crowd in, standing in the stands with the judge sat up. The poor teenage boy sat hands bound behind his back, and a long metal pole in the ground.  He looked miserable, bent over and head hung low. 

"Eren Jager," Dhalis Zachary--the judge  boldly said. He opened up the case, by giving a short interdiction. Everyone was quiet, but on edge. Eren seemed to be struggling, and I pitied him. A boy his age shouldn't be dealing with this.

"Having a titan, yet alone a shifting titan could be dangerous, sir." I darted my eyes over finding my Father in the crowd of MP soldiers. "He doesn't know how to control the power due to hi attacking Mikasa Ackerman back in Trost. I say we will him!" Never have I seen my dad so venerable. It almost shocked me. I kept my face firm, trying to think of ways to potentially help this poor thing.

Eventually all the taunting caused Eren to get angry. He tugged at the handcuffs,  whipped his head up as he called out the MP. Calling them cowardly. Around him a bright blue glow started to form, causing the crowd to erupt in shocked gasps and shouting, "He's turning! Watch out!"  I darted my eyes over briefly making eye contact with my father while he ordered his soldiers to pull their guns out. I wish he would've looked back over to me so I could knock some sense into him. When suddenly Levi harshly kicked Eren's face causing the brown haired boy to yowl out in pain, a small white tooth bouncing along the floor.

Levi continued to kick Eren, digging his boot into the teenage boy's face. Blood gushed from Eren's nose, and huge gashes being formed on his face from Levi. 

"Pain is for the best punishment." Levi said, lifting the weak boy by his head and dropping him to the ground, leaving him there.

"Mr. Zachary." Erwin piped, "What is the Scouting Legion were to take Eren into custody." The judged stopped for a moment thinking ad then granting them permission to take Eren. 

"Levi, he will have to be under your supervision."

"Is he does anything stupid, I won't hesitate to kill him." He threatens. And then the court was disbanded. Angerily I walk over to my father. I tap his shoulder, almost forcing him to turn around. 

"What is it-- Oh! (Y/n)! How are you?" I didn't answer the question. 

"How could you do that?" I ask, furious. "You almost killed that poor man! How could you be so careless?" My father tries to interrupt me, trying to reason. I don't let him. "You are insane! He could bring hope to humanity! He helped plug that hole in trost! Who knows what else he could do! Do you ever think? I have never seen you think so irrationally! How st-"

"Calm, (Y/n)." He says, "I know, It was quick irrational thinking. I blame it on what I have seen." he embraces me. I don't do anything to push him away. Although I still shout at him.

"What? Titans? By now everyone has seen a god damn titan!" I shout pushing him away giving no expression to him, "Because we are too weak against them! God it's hopeless! But now we ma-"

"Your mother committed suicide last night." He bluntly says, holding back tears. "She didn't believe you and your sister made it home safely. She was mentally unstable."

"Sh-she what?" I ask. Shaking and stunned. My right hand balled up into a fist, and my left slapped my forehead holding it to try and prevent the forming headache. I hold back tears, "That can't be the case! You are lying? Right?" My father didn't answer and I just collapsed right there in the middle of the floor.

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