Chapter Twenty Eight

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It's only been a short week since I have talked to Erwin. Even since then, I didn't listen to many, I was focusing on training.

I was only three short hours away from risking my life. I was full of anxiety, a lot of it. I was quiet and avoided everyone's eye contact. I felt as if I was shameful soldier. I didn't know where I was headed. Today was going to be chaotic, and I wasn't ready. I've heard many times that when soldiers leave, and return from the expedition. The civilians react poorly about that, they would spite, through profanities shout about money crisis's and in worse cases even cause fights. 

I was shaking in my boots, was I ready to die? No. I wasn't  I wasn't ready to die. Those who would be on the front line would have to commit to doing anything to protect the interior. I was unsure why I was so afraid of dedicating myself to this. I could've denied Erwin's request. Forcing a sigh, and swallowing my fear I headed for the stables. 

Almost halfway there many were running to the stables and mounting horses quickly. They wore their gear, and were shouting orders. I was unsure what was happening so I walked up to a soldier to ask. I tapped on their shoulder.

"Excuse me," I say, while they turn around. Before I could speak, the superior officer shouted for me to prepare for combat and not to engage with the abnormal titan. I was greatly confused, but obeyed orders. I quickly mounted on me horse, as everyone else did the same, lining up. Everyone focused their attention to the Commander who was in the middle of all of us, surrounded by Levi, and Hange. 

"We have been called to combat due to titan's managing to get into the wall. The Military Police, and Garrison will help everyone escape the area. I command you to engage with the titans and try to prevent them from getting any where close to the wall. Stay in squads of two!" Erwin announced quickly.

What could this mean? We are to fight titans and-- "Oh my god!" I gasp out loud, placing the pieces together. Titan's have made their way into the walls, and that means...Everyone started forward, charging out of our stationed camp. This was a big event. I darted my eyes around watching peoples running for their lives. A head there was a titan swiping at the people below him and grasping tightly onto one. I look around me, noticing I have parted off all by myself. 

Suddenly survival mode kicked in. Many of the people were crowding around me, seeking for the protection that I should be providing. I couldn't move for an odd reason, and they started to pull me violently off the horse, and pull, and hit my ODM. Finally, getting fed up, and seeing the people almost in the titan's mouth shocked me. I shot my hooks, and used my gasp to propel me forward. I was flying at top speed, my teeth grit, and hissing loudly. 

I headed for the titan's nape, winding my blades and sharply jabbing them into the titan's skin. I let out  a loud, pent up grunt, crying out; hurting my throat.The titan instantly stopped, and opened it's fingers. The civilian was a small boy with blond hair. It was similar to a bowl hair, and his eyes a dark brown. I shot myself forward, catching the poor boy in mid-air. He was crying and seemed injured. I landed on the ground the trembling boy running to him mother, pulling on his skirt. 

Only being moments after the first titan encounter. All of us were not expect it, but suddenly another titan full of metal plants covering it's body like armor charged through the wall. My mouth dropped, and I helped to quickly hurry the town's people into the other wall, and continue on my task. I was told not to engage with the first titan, but oddly enough he was gone. He was described at a large titan, larger then the walls. He had his muscle exposed other then the classic titan. 

I then shot my hook forward, heading for the other titan's near by. Taking them down left and right. My current fear that I was so worried about early for the expedition was long gone now. I was pumped with adrenaline coursing, thickly through my veins. Around my was quiet, and oddly peaceful. But the stress was killing me because I was alone, I need to find someone. 

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